Hello there :)

I've been using MFP for a few weeks to track my food and exercise but not really been part of the community as of yet so thought I'd say hi.

I am Alison, but more commonly know as Ally, I am 24, from Cheshire, UK and been following Slimming World for the 4 years, admittedly its been an on and off 4 years, I do SW, i'll gain a few pounds, do SW again...but on the whole I have been doing down. I used to weight 246lb, for as long as I can remember back to i was the biggest, the smallest I ever remember being was about 200lb and that was when I was 12 years old. So now at 190.5lb am am the smallest I ever remember being.

I get bad cravings from random foods, more often than not chocolate, i try to resist but occasionally i end up trapped on a binge cycle for a few days, but then I get myself together and am back on it. I suffer from PCOS and find it exceedingly difficult to lose weight because of it, I tend to average between 0.5lb and 1lb a week weight loss when i stick to my diet plans properly. My family also has a hisory of rare genetic disease called Hereditory Spastic Paraplegia which could leave me disabled in the years to come (if I do have it, 50% chance i do since everyone up my dads side has it).

Anyway, I love going to concerts and seem to spend half my life buying tickets/travelling to various venues/seeing different bands, i'm a mad punk rock/rock fan, but i love a bit of all types of music. I am a geek who works as a web designer, i love to read and do various geeky activities. I am also a massive fan of Supernatural and Vampire Diaries, I love anything vampire related, ghosts, werewolves...anything mythical/fantasy really!

So thats me :) Nice to meet y'all