Life's LiL Detour

I have been on MFP on and off for a over a year now.
Due to some personal reasons I deactivated a while back and when the path I was on got violently detoured, I decided to join back up.

Here's my lil story:
My first diet was in 2nd grade. Growing up, my mom and grandmother would always make comments on how much I would eat - "careful, you don't want to get fat like us someday" OR the comments "You'll be fat like us someday too"
Long story short, it wasn't long before I fell into a pattern of diet pills and various forms of bulimia as a teenager. It's almost embarrassing to look back on the things I did which included cutting.

Everything changed when I had my daughter just 2 weeks before my 21st birthday. Within seconds of seeing that precious baby I knew I had to stop being selfish and I had to be the mom that she could be proud of.

My heaviest post baby weight was in 2010 - 180 at 5'5"
The wake up call was when my 3y.o. said to me, "Mommy you're fat" She was right....I even ripped out 3 pairs of pants b/c I was refusing to buy a bigger size out of sheer vanity.

In 2011 I dropped down to 140lbs and just stayed there. I began to stress again over food and exercise. Then there was the car accident that left me unable to workout for a month. That plus a broken heart lead to 5lbs creeping back on.

2012 started out hopeful - until my hormones and body went haywire. I gained back an additional 10lbs and just kinda floundered around the entire year

That brings us to the present time. For the past 9mos I had been set on leaving state and moving out west where close friends of mine had moved. Within 1 week those plans came crashing down. I was completely numb flying home but hit the ground running. If this is where God wants me, I better make some serious changes.

I've finally begun painting the inside of my home, purchased a washer & dryer, new living room set & kitchen table; replacing the squatting furniture as I call it. I'm making it home-home. Planting roots for the first time in a long time. My daughter, now 6 was thrilled to hear we weren't moving again and that Mommy was finally in a position to adopt a dog as well. I'm looking for new employment b/c my boss will be retiring and the office closing and have a potential that would an amazing upgrade.

When my friends heard I wasn't leaving after all, I started getting invited out to do things again. This included an invite to do Tough Mudder Michigan in June. My first thought was "omg I can't do that!"
Almost immediately I told myself that was the wrong mindset. I agreed and now have started strength training 3 days a week at home to P90X and doing 3 days cardio.

I have a small friend list with people who I've known for a while on here but wouldn't mind a few more.
I'd love to be friends with some more single moms b/c they can relate on a personal level

If you've read this far, thank you and have a fabulous day


  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    even though you weren't completely gone (for me, anyway), i'm so happy you're back! congrats on planting roots and you will be AWESOME in the tough mudder!!! xoxoxo
  • BeinAwesome247
    BeinAwesome247 Posts: 257 Member
    haha I just want to finish ;)
    The people on the team are laid back and basically it's just about finishing and doing it to say they did it. I don't have to worry about being the best but trying my best haha
  • tntmom87
    tntmom87 Posts: 27 Member
    So glad to see you back :)
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Great story. Thanks for sharing. Nice to hear when things work out for people. You're gonna squish that mudder (I hope) !
  • BlairW_13
    BlairW_13 Posts: 22 Member
    Touching story! You are a strong woman and can totally do this! Good luck! :)
  • Michelle_Nicole
    Michelle_Nicole Posts: 95 Member
    So happy to see you back, even for the short time you were gone you were missed!! Sorry that things came crashing down with the move but putting down roots with the kido is great! Keep up the P90X and the mudder will be no problem!
  • BeinAwesome247
    BeinAwesome247 Posts: 257 Member
    Thanks ladies and good sir.:heart: