So freaking sore!!!!

I have been doing yoga for over a week now and it has felt great. Yesterday, I decided to do the P90X YogaX for 40 minutes......OMG! Today... my entire body is so sore it hurts to move!!! LOL Does anyone know how long it takes for the soreness to go away?? And... is it okay to keep working out while I am sore?


  • LisasRoadtolosing100lbs
    MY trainer says to up your water intake when your sore. It helps me alot. It's supposed to help your muscles release the lactic acid.
  • serendipity0924
    More water, eh? Wow... I drank over a gallon of water yesterday....LOL I will try it though and see if that helps. Thanks!!!
  • CMGoodie
    CMGoodie Posts: 93 Member
    With that, make sure you keep your electrolytes balanced. Mix a little bit (not a full bottle) of regular gatoraid or pedialyte (if you have kids) or a pinch of salt into water. If you are like me, you might even want to take a half of a potassium supplement to keep you from cramping up.

    Soreness differs from person to person. I usually get sore 2 days after a good workout, and it's gone about 2 days later.

    If you are sore, try not to work out so hard the next day so not to damage anything or overwork them.

  • sudmom
    sudmom Posts: 202 Member
    Best thing for sore muscles is working out again and stretching them. Motrin also helps. Keep drinking that water too.
  • fitnessfreddie
    fitnessfreddie Posts: 74 Member
    Working them out with LIGHT activity will help reduce the soreness. Don't go gung ho on them.
  • emblu
    emblu Posts: 272 Member
    milk.... drink a glass after exercise its THE best thing to help repair muscles n ease soreness.....better n more healthy than sports drinks:smile:
  • Bigal5565
    Bigal5565 Posts: 12
    being sore is a good thing!! 3-4 days and you'll be back to normal. stretching usually helps. or just workout again!
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    im sore too, im going to go for a light swim, sauna and hot tub session at the gym later on though and see if that helps to ease it