Lower back probs

I have been dealing with lower back pain which rears it's ugly head every so often. Over the winter I had to take a break from Zumba because of the pain in my lb and burning in my hips ( I checked with the doc and it wasn't bursitis). After a couple of weeks I jumped back into zumba, and my JM dvd's. Stretching took on a whole new meaning for me so I thought I was better. Last week I joined the gym so I could start lifting and bought a jumpstart package with a trainer. Yay me!!! Nope......I thought I was a rockstar and used one of the machines with the weight set too high and my lb immediately felt the impact. Being the genius that I am, I just pushed through instead of lowering the weight. The next morning after my workout, my back was done. It was not the good kind of pain. So I called my trainer and told him what happened ( I did the damage on my own) and we cancelled the next session. After several days off my back has started to feel much better so......tomorrow morning at 5:30 am we are going to start again. He said we would work on stabilizing my lower back this time. I have to admit.....I AM SCARED. Not to workout with a trainer (because I am sooo ready) but scared that my back pain will come back and knock me down again. I love exercise and fitness!! More than anything, I just wanted to express my concern. But if anyone has any words of encouragement please feel free to send them. Thanks.


  • dmaloof2013
    dmaloof2013 Posts: 134 Member
    I broke my back about 10 years ago now (T-11 which is in approximately the middle of your back). I was told my physical therapist that whenever I do any back strengthening exercises I should take it slow. I usually will set the machine to a lower weight than I think I can handle, that way I can just keep increasing it until I know I should stop.

    For example, if I am exercising my Lumbar region, I will start the machine at 50lbs because I know I can do that no problem. I'll do my set at 50 and if my back feels fine after that, I increase the weight. If I find that the weight I am at is challenging I do another set there. If I can't do it, I stop and lower the weight again. I have found that it takes time for me to find the right spot.

    I know that what I do is not perfect, but it has been working to strengthen my back and *knock on wood* it hasn't hurt for a little while. Just take it slow. You don't want to hurt yourself again.
  • 1julietax
    1julietax Posts: 117 Member
    I can feel your pain. Literally. I too have back issues and feel like Wonder Woman some days and other days just can't do it. I work my butt off, hard and then all it takes it one wrong lift, squat...whatever and I'm down and out for the count. So my advice, don't push it. Tell your trainer you need to strenghten your back and your core. Your trainer needs to modify your workout so you protect your back. Also realize that your back is an issue and not to be brave and push through. This is my biggest issue. I think I'm a person with a good back and I'm not. We both need to come to grips that we have a problem that is not going away and how to deal with it. Take care of yourself. Good luck..
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    I have had SI Joint issues for 10+ years and it comes and goes. I know what triggers my issues and know how to correct them since I have been dealing with so long and did PT on 2 different occassions. Not saying I am an expert since I don't know what your actual diagnosis would be however, I wanted to say that it will be key to continue with the stretching, go low on the weights and make sure you have form correct before you up them. Also, have your PT teach you very good core stabilization exercises (not situps or crunches--they SHOULD know others) that will really help build up your stability which generally helps a lot with LBP. If it continues, it would be worthwhile to do physical therapy and address the issues you have and treat them. Good luck!
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    :( When you are injured youi should not work through the pain.

    Obvs I don't have any idea what's wrong with your back, but perhaps you should look into some physical theray. Your back is probably just weak.

    Think about it, unless you live that kind of life where you do work to gain a strong back, your back is probably weak.

    There's all kinds of weird exercises to strengthen back muscles.

    I hurt my back surfing about 9 years ago and again just last year. I couldn;t even sit at my desk for more than 30 mins without having to stretch.

    So get some PT and be careful with that back! Hope you heal up soon!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I also have SI joint and hip and lower back problems. I started heavy lifting last year, and also did Zumba. My chiro advised me against doing heavy squats and deadlifts, so I lightened my load and took it really slow for a number of months. Still had problems. Then I decided to cut out Zumba for a bit and concentrate on lifting, and my back is doing a lot better. I am back to lifting heavier than before.

    TL;DR Zumba messed up my back more than lifting, so be careful with the hip movements. I still do it but I'm more careful and don't twist my core as much.

    Don't be scared, just take it really slow and light with whatever you're doing. Doing core work like planks and side planks is good. and STRETCH a lot. I've learned not to do certain things - sit ups, only do back-assisted crunches, don't do any type or core work where you're sitting on the ground with legs out in front of you and leaning back, you probably don't want to do bent over flys or rows, etc. You might have to be careful with lunges, only try bodyweight lunges at first and don't go too low too quickly. Don't do anything that puts too much stress on your lower back.
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks for all of the advice. I think it's amazing that people are able to come back from injuries such as a broken back. Very inspiring. My back felt the impact when I was on a leg press. I didn't feel pain with any other exercise but everything else I did from them on just probably made it worse. When I go to the gym tomorrow, I will just be very honest with myself and my trainer about what hurts instead of pushing through everything. It wouldn't be worth it.
  • 1julietax
    1julietax Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks for all of the advice. I think it's amazing that people are able to come back from injuries such as a broken back. Very inspiring. My back felt the impact when I was on a leg press. I didn't feel pain with any other exercise but everything else I did from them on just probably made it worse. When I go to the gym tomorrow, I will just be very honest with myself and my trainer about what hurts instead of pushing through everything. It wouldn't be worth it.

    Good luck to you. You're going to do great! Just protect the back. : )
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    Good luck to you. You're going to do great! Just protect the back. : )

    Thank you : )