
Young girl trying to change myself here! I let my weight get out of hand, blamed everyone and everything but myself and that wasn't really fair now was it? You own your own body, have to make the changes yourself. Now this isn't the first time I've gone on a "I'm going to get skinny" expedition. I've done extreme diets to weight watchers, but always end up getting discouraged and giving up. (Again my fault, not anyone else's, one of those...."I didn't lose any weight in two days, guess i better guilt eat an entire pizza to myself.") I'm looking to get some tips whats your favorite healthy snacks are, workouts suggestions, do you do anything during the day when your at work to add to your weight loss, what KEEPS you motivated.

I'd love help, advice, food tracking buddies, anything! I need to keep on track and work on this lifestyle change! :smile: