Is anyone wheat free?

I'm newish to mfp and am trying to avoid wheat because
A) I think I'm addicted to it! My weakness is bread like some people's is chocolate
B) it does fairly hideous things to my insides... :-/

I'm finding it hard, though, to think of meals (breakfast and lunch esp) that don't involve wheat.
I don't have much of a sweet tooth and can't stomach sweet cereals or fruits on a morning.

Any ideas would be very welcome. For the past 4 days, my carbs have come from brown rice and sweet potatoes.
As nice as they are, I need alternatives before I cave!

Oh, and feel free to add me as a friend, I have my diary open to friends. Xx


  • aidane218
    I am wheat free. Causes me issues I make a smoothie from a paleo recipe and do alot of egg whites(omelettes full of veggies) and homemade granola. Bacon, is a big one too. I follow a site called Elana's Pantry.

    She uses alot of Almond Flour in her recipes. I made a Pecan Raisin bread that I have a slice with coffee in the morning. Only issue on the Almond Flour goodies...higher in calories.

    Paleo Smoothie
    1C Strawberries (frozen)
    1C Almond Milk
    1tsp Vanilla
    2tsp Peanut Butter
    1tsp Hemp Protein Powder (my add in)
    1packet Stevia

    About 305 calories total. Very filling!

    I also drink it after a workout for dinner sometimes...I am a single Mom and always on the go with my kids and career. Would also be happy to share my Granola recipe if interested!
  • sweetzoejane
    sweetzoejane Posts: 153 Member
    Pretty much everything that you ate before can be found in a wheat-free/GF version - bread, pizza, pasta, cupcakes, granola, etc. You just have to look for them. Sometimes they are in a separate section at the grocery store, so ask someone if they can help you find it.
  • Tt_tracey
    Tt_tracey Posts: 28
    Hey, thanks for replying! I've now spent a week wheat free and its not as bad as I thought it would be. Great looking smoothie, and thanks for the link to elenaspantry, it looks like a brilliant reource!
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    I'm trying to get wheat free. Ever since I read "Wheat Belly" by William Davis MD I've cut down considerably. It's tough for me because even though I don't go out and buy any wheat products family and friends will use them for get togethers and holidays and I don't want to seem rude or ungrateful. Any suggestions?
  • Golightly17
    Golightly17 Posts: 347 Member
    I am wheat free. Wheat is like my kryptonite! They say if you have an allergy or intolerance for something that you crave it more. Knocking it out of my diet helped me. Anyways one of the things I do for baking is take raw almonds and purée them in a food processor so make a flour that you can do most anything with. Also, brown rice pasta or quinoa are good subs when you feel like something starchy.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I don't eat grains. Right now I'm just drinking coffee for breakfast, but in the past I've enjoyed lots of eggy stuff for breakfast. Eggs and bacon, eggs and sausage, eggs and steak, baked eggs, etc. I usually have a side of sauteed veggies as well, and perhaps a little handful of berries with a bit of coconut milk (I can't have dairy, either).

    Other days I've had dinner leftovers at breakfast. I've also enjoyed a cheeseburger wrapped in lettuce for breakfast, salad with some sort of meat on it, etc. If you think outside the box of typical breakfast foods, it helps.

    Lunch is the same deal. Leftovers, big salads, eggs/bacon, whatever.

    At dinner, I usually cook something nice from scratch, and try to make enough so I have some tasty leftovers for my lunch the next day.
  • lumadances
    I don't vote replacing wheat products with alternatives. Rice bread and other things are very high in calories sometimes, so be on the watch for that. I've been pretty successfully wheat free for about a month. There are ways around it. Like having a sandwich rolled up in lettuce, or using sauteed zucchini in place of pasta for spaghetti (it's pretty good..) Good snacks to consider are cheese, yogurt, olives, pickles..

    If you haven't read it, read the book 'Wheat Belly'. It's pretty informative about wheat and intolerances.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    i agree completely. i have a sick brfead in general addiction. as of last month i gave up white breads, flour anything but i do use a mjultigrain mix from Trader Joes thats amazing!! i also gave up potatoes for the same reason, im addicted to french fries.. lol
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    I'm wheat free =)
    I recommend checking out paleo sites ... Lots of good recipes that are wheat/gluten free. Two of my favorites are &
  • Golightly17
    Golightly17 Posts: 347 Member
    IIISpartacus- I have the same issue. I just started asking what the host is making and if it would be okay for me to bring something o compliment their meal. They generally appreciate it as its one less thing for them to worry about and it makes me feel less anxious about food choices since I'll have a safe dish.
  • ex11b90
    ex11b90 Posts: 57 Member
    Tracey, wheat free is a great way to go, but tough it seems to be in everything! Do check out the book 'Wheat Belly' as a few others here recomend, he'll give you alot of alternatives, recipes and ALOT of stuff to avoid that you wouldn't think contained wheat! Good luck, with it, tough but do-able!