At a Stand Still...Suggestions?

I am a little frustrated and seeking advice. I have received some good advice already but would like others input as well.

Since the beginning of the year I have been working out 5 days a week with DVD Workouts such as 30 Day Shred and many others along that line, moving up through the levels and pushing through as hard as I can. During the last two weeks I have also incorporated walking/jogging on the treadmill 3 days a week for 20-30 minutes. I do these things on top of a physically demanding job at a barn where I care for 40+ horses by cleaning & rebedding stalls, feeding, moving hay bales around, and riding.

According to BodyMedia Fit I am burning between 2800-3200 calories a day or more. At the beginning of the year my caloric intake was between 1500-1800 and I lost about 5 pounds or so...then stopped. I was informed that I wasn't eating enough so I upped my intake to 2000-2300 a day. This still leaves me with about 500 calorie deficit or more per day...but again...all progress has stopped. I seen no progress as far as body shape/tone, measurements or on the scale. All has remained basically unchanged except with the monthly water fluctuations....

Any ideas? I still have a long ways to go to get to my ideal weight...I am 5'4" with current weight of 167 and a goal weight of 130.

Thanks all!


  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    Are you sure the BodyMedia knows it's the horse moving that fast, not you running? And is that pure additional burn, or your TDEE?
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    The numbers shown are my daily burn from activities according to BodyMedia. I wear my armband 24 hours a day. I make adjustments on the days that I ride horses while wearing my armband as the calorie burn is altered greatly from the horses strides (it thinks I can run very fast and that I can burn 1000 cals in 30 minutes). For my riding days I go into BodyMedia and select the times that I rode horses and use a caloric burn calculator with my height and weight to find my actual burn and go by that instead On the non-riding days my total calories burned are the numbers shown in my original post.
  • mywise
    mywise Posts: 43 Member
    Do u do any weight lifting aside from your job??? I have a physical job where I'm moving steel all day but I also weight train on top of that...From my experience and from what I have read if u want to change your actual body shape (and not b a smaller version of what u are now) u need to do some strength training.... Also how long were u eating the higher cals and what did u lose doing that???Have u gained...stayed the same weight during that time???.
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Currently I am not doing any lifting although it is something that I am looking into starting in the near future. It is something I would like to add, although I do some light strength training at the moment. I want to both be smaller and change my body shape and at least be some form of toned. I lost 75 pounds a couple years ago and got stuck at 174 and even though I do have can't see them under extra skin that won't seem to tighten up. I was able to knock off a few pounds when I first started back to working out at the beginning of the year to get to 167... but have been stuck ever since. I have tried to alter my caloric intake by going a couple weeks at the higher intake then going to a lower intake for a couple weeks. I have not lost or gained anything except for the water weight fluctuations between 167-170. Right now I am at my higher intake averaging about 1900-2300 cals a day depending on how active I am. The lowest intake I have done is 1500-1800 as I am borderline hypoglycemic and have to make sure I eat throughout the day so I am not sick. I am up for any suggestions to break through this wall I am stuck at.