Weekends suck!

ok I am getting so tired of doing so good all week long, then it a falling a part on the weekends when the man and the kids are home. I have talk to them about it and explain how it is hard enough just to lose weight with out the added temptaions cause on the weekends. Ugghhhh!!!!


  • GoldenShah
    GoldenShah Posts: 10 Member
    I know the feeling!!! So after reading a very interesting book on the chemistry of our digestion, I know buy protein bars and keep them handy in case we go out anywhere. So instead of snacking on junk food when we go out, I have the protein bar which keeps you feeling full for ages and is very good for your metabolism. When we are at home, I just keep drinking water (well bubbly flavoured water actually) all day long so I don't get tempted to tuck into the sweetie/biscuit tin with the children. I also try and fit in as much exercise as possible to help burn any extra calories I may have! Wish you all the best, and hope the hubby and children do try and support you!
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    I completely understand the weekend thing as well. I guess the plus side of it for me is I have no children and my hubby is very supportive and he is also on plan with me and trying to lose some weight himself so it's not as hard for me on the weekends as for others.

    I work from home so it's pretty easy to stay on plan all week but because I work from home I want OUT of the house on the weekends and that makes it tough because then we end up eating out a lot. The good part is I am on the atkins plan so it's pretty easy to eat out and choose healthy options.

    When you go eat out just remember to choose healthy options regardless of what the hubby and kids order ....I know it's easier said than done but just think about the progress you have made and ask yourself " Is that ice cream sundae really worth it"? That is what I do and it does take time to change bad habits but in time it will get easier :) Good luck!!!