How do I cut sugar from my diet?



  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    Good for you! Here are a few additional ideas: Soy wrappers to make sandwich wraps. Flourless sprouted bread--a true whole grain that does not spike your blood sugar. Look up the online recipe for "cloud bread"--pretty amazing stuff. easy recipe for rolls made mostly from cottage cheese and egg--no carbs and when you put them in a plastic bag, they get the consistency of a bread roll.

    Great for you on whole foods...very important "Natural sugar" is just as damaging as any other, but when that sugar is consumed as part of the whole fruit, it's locked within the matrix of the fruit and its fiber, making the body turn it to glucose much more slowly so you don't get those spikes. That's especially true of apples. They're super-filling and a terrific diet food. You can cut them in wedges on a plate and sprinkle cinnamon over them and eat them raw or stick them in the microwave for a couple of minutes.

    But I haven't totally given up bread. I buy a loaf of really good whole-grain bread and freeze it; that enables me to slize very thin slices off it that I can toast for a big 35 calories of bread. Gives me my fix while keeping the carb load down.

    Best of luck to you!