In need of friends! ^_^

So basically I've tried to lose weight a little while ago and then lost all motivation. The weight I lost heaped back on and I'm back to square one :(

I'm looking for people who are willing to give me a kick up the *kitten* if I start to slip again, I am determined to reach my goal weight but I do need people to keep me motivated and disciplined! ;)

I hope some people out there can help, I also love chatting and stuff ^_^


  • You can get your motivation back and reach your goals!

    You can add me as a friend! :)
  • I am new here as well, and also looking for some motivation buddies. I plan to do insanity, or P90X pretty soon, I could use the support. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • abrodniak
    abrodniak Posts: 47 Member
    I may not always say what you want to hear, but I am on mfp every day, and I will be very honest with you. If you truly want motivation and friends who will hold you accountable, feel free to add me.
  • You got this, you know it was possible once and now you must make this as part of your lifestyle, like brushing your teeth. I had to do the same thing 3 years ago, if it wasn't for having my ahha moment and realizing this is just as important as anything else in my life I wouldn't have loss 118lbs and maintained it.
  • unskinnybop1
    unskinnybop1 Posts: 25 Member
    Feel free to add me!!
  • Carrie_704
    Carrie_704 Posts: 24 Member
    feel free to add me too. i'll be honest and if i see you doing something unsafe I'll let you know as well!
  • DrCasey8
    DrCasey8 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat- feel free to add!
  • Jgf1000
    Jgf1000 Posts: 1
    Add me too I like to help people