Heart rate monitor

I'm trying to find a really good heart rate monitor to help me figure out how many calories I'm burning when I exercise. Does anybody know of any good ones? I don't want it to be too expensive.


  • Danwclarke
    Danwclarke Posts: 3 Member
    I just got the Polar FT7, two days ago. I am still learning the in's and out's of it, but it seems to do the job. Just over $100 at ****'s, but I found it on Amazon for like $75.
  • chip40
    chip40 Posts: 21 Member
    Go with Polar heartrate monitor. It sync with all the cardio machines at the gym (unless its an older machine). If you use it with the Polar watch, if can calculate your workouts, jogs etc. I use the monitor in conjunction with my Nike + running watch. Works great and no issues. You can find them on Amazon for good price.
  • okay thanks I'll check that out