Diary advice



  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Thank you x1000!

    Like a dumb-dumb, I was finding myself at the drive-thru nightly before going to the gym to try to boost cals since they were so low. Bad move, I know.

    The BMR and TDEE stuff confuses me and I wish I could get a better grasp on what I'm supposed to have NET by the end of each day. It's clear I need a crazy overhaul on my daily diet to fix the problems. I just can't figure out where I need to be. All the calculators tell me something different. If I can find the NET number I need to reach every day, I feel like that would make it easier to repair the diet, ditch the crap, and get to where I need to be. MFP claims 1200, but I burn high during workouts so I assume that must be NET. However, that seems low taking my exercise schedule into consideration. *head desk*

    Someone asked, so I monitor my caloric burn while working out with a Polar FT4 heart rate monitor.

    Thank you for your supportive and insightful answers. I'm glad I have a place to ask questions without getting totally crushed. <3

    I'm going to make this even simpler.

    Go here: http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html

    Take the number in the box and subtract 20%

    That's what you eat every day. You DO NOT eat back exercise calories with this method. You eat the SAME calories every day.

    It is a different method then MFP. It averages your activity level instead of adding it every day.
  • abideedum
    abideedum Posts: 71 Member
    Hey, i ditto all advice given here for what by know is obvious reasons :) Hope it goes well for you.

    I have an open diary and would like some friends on here that would from time to time look at my diary and comment about whats good or bad, i fall into old traps quickly. I've only just started this again and i'm trying hard to stay away from processed foods and eat lots of fruit and veg.
    I was wondering if any of you guys that helped OP out would mind :)

    Good Luck to all of you!!