What Am I Doing Wrong?

Hi. I've been on MFP for just over 40 days now, probably 42-43. I've had a few days where I haven't counted calories (Easter and days with family down in the city), but have been logging faithfully and have done my exercising 3x a week like I planned to do. Missed two days of exercise due to illness, but that's it. I'm really discouraged right now because I am not losing as much weight as I thought I would.

I have my goal weight set for 166lbs for April 15 and I am still only at 172.5lbs. (my lowest so far. Started at 175). I have lost 1.5" around my stomach, thighs, and butt, which makes me feel pretty good, and I FEEL healthier, but I want those pounds coming off quicker. What am I doing wrong? Please help! Suggestions would be appreciated.


  • sarahwilson12
    sarahwilson12 Posts: 70 Member

    I am really curious as to what other people will say about this :smile:
    I'm right alongside you, Alanna!
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    your diary is not open to the public so it is difficult to tell if that may be an issue. how many calories do you eat daily? also it's not a race to lose the weight super fast...it is better to lose it slow and be able to keep it off than to lose it too fast.
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    First of all, I see you are from Huntsville! One of my fave places on the planet!! I have friends who just moved back to Huntsville, they didn't like the city life.

    Now, for your question. I don't have an answer, but you are defenitely not alone. I have been tracking since Jan 2 and have been averaging a two pound weight loss per month. Its been incredibly frustrating. I think there are several people here in the same boat. I just keep reminding myself that something is better than nothing and try to focus on what I'm doing right...

    I just made the decision to eat according to the IPOARM plan that is floating around here. Its only been three days, so I can't comment if its helping or not yet. I've also made a point to aim to hit my full recommended protein intake. Again, it is set according to the recommendations on IPOARM.
  • jadams1650
    jadams1650 Posts: 139 Member
    I hate to say this but what you are doing wrong is looking at the scale for affirmation. You have lost inches, you feel better, you are on the road to a healthier lifestyle. Weight loss is not linear and unfortunately not consistent. Some weeks you will lose, some you will gain. If you are unsatisfied with the progress you might start making small adjustments (increase exercise intensity or duration, begin a strength training program, increase protein intake, increase vegetable intake, etc) but you are losing weight. This will be a long slow process with a lot of frustration...that's why most people quit. Stick with it and you will reach your goals. I would also suggest reading and understanding the following link:

  • Soulflwr
    Soulflwr Posts: 49 Member
    It could be that you're getting stronger. I actually quit my first time couple of times trying to lose weight because after a month the scale was still hovering around my starting number. It's only until just recently, that I realized that I may have been getting stronger because my clothes were getting loser, the fat loss just wasn't being reflected on the scale.

    I also am learning more about body fat and it seems that even though I'm not losing that many pounds right now, my body fat composition now is getting pretty close to were I was when I was 50 lbs lighter. So strange. but now it's got me thinking that I should weigh myself less and measure more.

    So anyway, maybe it would help to not focus on the scale as much, and pay more attention to your target dress/pants size.

    Oh and I think it's a good thing that you're losing inches but not pounds, according to what I've been reading up on it means that you're body composition is changing for the better!
  • Seems your on the right path if you are losing weight. You can attempt different approaches and play with your macronutrient intake. Or the timing, such as keeping your carb intake at a minimum during dinner (when your body needs the least amount of energy). Or drop your calorie intake altogether, still "safe" to aim for losing 2lbs a week.
  • More than likely you are gaining in muscle what you are losing in fat. If you are strength training this is even more likely. Inches not lbs is what you need to worry about and eventually the lbs will drop. You CANNOT keep exercising and cutting calories without seeing results. Good luck:)