


  • oX_Vanessa_Xo
    Im using the visalus shakes, one for lunch and one for breakfast, plus dinner and snacks in between. Im only using them because my cousin gave me 3 bags because she changed her mind about being commited to losing weight.
    I kinda half assed them for a year but when I finally got serious about losing weight I started using it again, I just don't wanna throw the bags out.

    I've lost 10 lbs since April 2nd but I'm sure its mostly from going to being quite inactive and not eating right to being very active, working out, going to the gym and completely eating healthy.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Soy Protein Isolate is a waste product marketed to the public as a health food so that the industry could use it as cheap cost-cutting filler in an assortment of foods in order to increase profits. A blended whey protein, without any form of soy, is better any day of the week in terms of protein synthesis, anti-catabolism, and lean muscle gain.

    As for removing fat, lactose, and carbs, that's not a wise thing. In order for a person's body to properly function on a low carb diet, a higher fat content, including some saturate fat, is needed. Also, a much higher protein content than the measly 12 grams found in BBV shakes is advisable. In fact, the whole idea that a one-size-fits-all shake should be central to a weight loss program is ridiculous. Calories and macro-nutrient ratios needed in a person's diet differ from person to person not only based on their weight and age, but also on their gender, body composition, and training regiment.

    This whole BBV concept is a play on people's longing to lose weight with a shortcut rather than doing the work required to achieve this goal the healthy way. It's the classic case of an inferior product hi-jacked by a bunch of professional, ex-AMWAY/MonaVie marketers, and fused with a 90 day challenge to give it kinship with legitimate programs like P90X in order to dupe the unwitting and uneducated people who just can't seem to find the motivation to get healthy.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I have heard alot of people swearing by this product that is really works and is healthy and stuff but the thing that makes me unsure about it is how much nutrients are actually in it if the Protein in it is actually high enough or not and also the cost of it when I would still have to buy normal groceries for the rest of my family. Cuz my husband is the opposite of me where he has very very fast metabolism and could actually use to gain some weight cuz he's had dentures and then appendix and then gall bladder surgery where he hasn't been able to eat enough foods due to that. So he actually needs to gain weight some. So for me it would be justifying the cost of that on top of groceries and also if the protein and nutrients in it are actually enough or as much as you would get from food. And I like cooking really well also and so that is another reason it would be hard for me cuz I enjoy cooking. I guess its just whatever works best for your needs. I have heard some good stuff about it though and also some other opinions. I think it just depends on what is best for you.
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    Oh, and she is giving it to her 10 year old son as a suppliment because he is a "picky easter". I'm very worried about her and what this id doing to her body...especially since she isn't even following the program properly...she has no food all day...just the 2 shakes...and then supper and an evening snack.