Restarting on my Journey

Two years ago I buckled down and started my journey. My doctor had told me I was too fat to get pregnant. At about 40lbs lost, I suddenly, and out of the blue became pregnant. I only gained 20lbs during my pregnancy, but I wasn't able to get back into the groove to lose weight.

So here I am, 13 months after my son was born. My husband and I are planning a trip to Hawaii at the end of the summer, and I DO NOT want to look like a beached whale. Plus, at the beginning of next year, we are going to start TTC #2. I want to be as healthy as I can, and at an ideal body weight for my next pregnancy. My first one was riddled with complications, some that my weight contributed too.

I've seesawed this last year. I won't lie about that, but now I am dead set on getting to my goal weight and dropping 90lbs. I reset my whole way of thinking, recommitted, and am starting over from scratch. I would love some new friends on my journey, so please feel free to send me an invite. :)

I have my husband behind me, my son beside me, and my future in front of me. I have dug deep, and I will continue to dig deep. Here's the start of a new me!