How did you "get into" healthy foods?

imarlett Posts: 228 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
My 2 cents:
Many people complain that they cannot "get into" healthy foods. I was one of those folks. How I got into healthy foods was this.
I pick out what fruits and vegetables I like and starting eating those (balanced of course). There is surely something that you (general you) like that is healthy. Do you like tomatoes? Sure do. Well there ya go. You eat lettuce on your burger. Well see, you have the start of a salad. Bananas, grapes, oranges, it's all good. Trying new things is a good way to discover what you like as well. I never liked cooked spinach but I love it raw. I eat raw spinach instead of using butter head or iceburg lettuce. Replacing fries or chips with low fat cottage cheese and making those kind of replacements is a good start. It is all a matter of looking at food differently.

How did you get into eating better?


  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    When I used to cook steak or spag bol..I would always put a little bit of salad on the side and often enjoyed the salad more than the main meal itself! Not sure how I got into healthy eating but have always enjoyed bean and fish salads so I'm guessing the transition wasn't too tricky for me.

    When i bought my first house and moved away from my mam, I started experiementing with foods and discovered healthy foods that I hadn't eaten before...I am always the first to try out different fruit and veg and I think this helped me out greatly.

    I still miss my steak though :grumble:
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I actually like the taste of healthy foods. For me, it was just a matter of bothering to make healthier meals for myself instead of being lazy and eating fast food or processed foods out of convenience.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I make myself try a new item each week. This week will be quinoa. I found I love most of the new veggies and beans just as much as I loved the jalepeno on pizza the 1st time I tried it!

    I cannot stand the taste of high sodium things now.

    I also get a lot of new ideas from good ol MFP!'
  • NaturalMom
    NaturalMom Posts: 85
    For me it started when we started thinking about getting pregnant. I finally started to watch what I was putting in my body and thinking "I don't want *that* to touch my baby!" So I did some research to understand what sort of toxins are left in your body after eating different types of food and began limiting things. I am not completely off pre-processed foods, but I am much more informed, aware and determined to get there. My daughter is 18 months, healthy and eats a balanced, whole foods diet (with the exception of some Cheerios and Goldfishies every once in awhile!). =)
    Check out my recent blog to see my journey ( or other "Food Renegades" at:
    Happy Mother's Day!!! Good luck!
  • jurgitafit
    jurgitafit Posts: 112
    I guess I'm a lucky one-- I just naturally like vegetables and fruit, and other ingredients that come from our Mother Earth. But what I needed to learn is (1) how to cook healthier (I'm coming from Eastern Europe, where meals are tasty, but very very dense and fatty); (2) how to control the portions; (3) how to find a right balance of nutrients that feel right for my body, without following any scam diets, only the one that is right for me. :wink: Once I started learning more about nutrition several years ago, now I cannot spend a day without creating my own healthy and tasty recipes. :happy:
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