Do you see people/ food differently new lifestyle change?



  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Yes, I see things differently now. I can't say I see food differently because a lot of things I used to think of as food I don't anymore. Quite honestly most of it repulses me. I hope I stay this way. I saw a picture of french fries covered in gravy and some other junk forget what it was, but it was revolting and I realize it is something if it was in front of me I would have eaten it. Now, I would run (walk fast, not in running shape quite yet) it seriously would make me ill to have it around me, seeing the picture was bad enough.

    I am not interested in sweets very much. But, I still like my hot cocoa. There is no way I can see eating something like a candy bar anytime soon, it just doesn't appeal to me. I am also on most days just eating three meals and before it would have been 4 or 5. It's actually hard to eat 3 times a day cuz scheduling hassles. But, I do manage to eat 3 times a day, it's just that I feel like I am forcing myself at times and even though I like my food I'm just not into it most the time. Breakfast is the exception I am always hungry for breakfast.

    So I hope this trend continues. I would rather have to push myself a bit to eat rather than have to keep myself from eating, it's a nice problem to have. And so far it's not a problem. But, if it ever does become a problem I know where to go to ask how to fix it.