New to MFP...

Hi, everyone,

I joined MFP in early March and am really enjoying the tools the website offers. The ability to sync it with my Fitbit tracker is a real plus! I just wanted to take this chance to introduce myself. I'm looking forward to reading these boards!

I'm a 50-something architect who has been overweight since childhood but always managed to get by and do reasonably well in adult life. I feel this was mostly possible because of the torment I went through as a child. I achieved what I did to spite all the people who were able to get by on looks and charm.

I did a career change in the 1990s and went back to university at the age to 32 to study architecture. The late nights and bad diet took a toll - at graduation I reached my all time high weight of 270 pounds. At 5'-7" height.

Over the years and many different diets including WW, Atkins, and winging it I had managed to lose about 50 pounds but became stuck, Approaching 50 and not exercising, and having a desk job, my metabolism, always slow, tanked.

My employer at the time instituted a wellness program with calorie tracking, weigh ins and walking goals tracked by pedometers. Finally, good progress was made.

Since March of 2010, I've been able to lose over 50 more pounds and am only 20 pounds away from an ideal weight of 145-150. I now weigh less than I did in EIGHTH GRADE.

My biggest remaining issues are dealing with my cardiac artery disease (In late March 2013 I had my second angioplasty with stents placed), muscle tone (lots of loose skin and underused muscle!) and my RA. Thankfully, my CAD and RA are well controlled and I'm able to exercise at a fairly intense level.

But all that considered, I'm grateful, especially for all the great support I get from family, friends and resources like MFP and Fitbit.


  • Shani_Shoo
    Shani_Shoo Posts: 60 Member
    Hi there. Welcome to MFP. I love this site and have found everyone extremely encouraging and supportive. Feel free to check out my profile and add me as a friend if you wish. I am here everyday. By the way, thank you for being honest about yourself.