Spousal/partner sabotage, anyone else?!



  • veec0
    veec0 Posts: 33 Member
    I'll be the devil's advocate here. Have you thought that it might be unfair for him that you are doing these changes after 20 years? After all, the changes that you are making is a lifestyle change that affects the family some way not just yours. It took you some time to arrive at that decision, it might take him a while to embrace your motivation to change.

    Also he can only offer you food that is in your kitchen, why not do the grocery with him and suggest alternatives to what he usually buy? Walking around the grocery is a bonus.

    I would add option 4. Say yes occasionally and control your portion.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Yes, I am totally on-board with sabotaging my spouse. Who else is signed up?

    I am. Listen all of y'all.
  • rosehippy77
    rosehippy77 Posts: 54 Member
    I'll be the devil's advocate here. Have you thought that it might be unfair for him that you are doing these changes after 20 years? After all, the changes that you are making is a lifestyle change that affects the family some way not just yours. It took you some time to arrive at that decision, it might take him a while to embrace your motivation to change.

    Also he can only offer you food that is in your kitchen, why not do the grocery with him and suggest alternatives to what he usually buy? Walking around the grocery is a bonus.

    I would add option 4. Say yes occasionally and control your portion.

    Good point, thank you, yes option 4 sounds about right to me. He does grocery shopping most days before he heads home, supermarket is right next to his work, so I'm not in control of that, but I am in control of what I put in my mouth. I don't like to be a boring killjoy though, so sometimes I will indulge him a little. Everyone happy again, everything in moderation I guess.

    I was just a little bummed that I'm so exited to be doing this and hadn't bargained for the little "extra challenge" is all.

    I'm cool with it, I'm sure it will be fine.
  • angellabledsoe
    angellabledsoe Posts: 2 Member
    I understand. I actually posted a status very similar today.

    I am not sure why they do what they do. But we can do this!!!

    My hubby has known me my whole adult life at a size 4-6, after baby 5 my body did not want to bounce back and I put on more weight than I have ever been in my life and now I am almost at goal. And he still tries to sabotage. I think it is just a lesson in perseverance for us.

    You got this, keep on plugging on!!!
  • rosehippy77
    rosehippy77 Posts: 54 Member
    I think it is just a lesson in perseverance for us.

    You got this, keep on plugging on!!!

    Absolutely! :drinker: