Why do I feel the need to keep sabotaging myself:-(

About Me
Hi I have tried quite a few diets and succeeded and failed many, many, many times. Right now i weigh 87kg, 2 years ago i weighed 65kg, before that diet 2 and a half years ago 84kg, then 70kg, then 79kg, see up down, up down over and over again. My current personal trainer suggested this site. I have 2 young children and a great husband. I am studying online and will receive a degree in criminology and forensic science. I have also just started taekwondo. Basically I have all the support, equipment, nutritional knowledge and a rough idea about how much work it will take to lose 49lbs/ 22kg (from previous experience) BUT I just sabotage myself every time. Obviously the key is to have a goal stick to it and take each day one step at a time, and eventually all the consistent hard work will pay off. Then I will have to stick to my healthy lifestyle forever. Arghhh Why the hell can't I just do that????

Why I Want To Get In Shape
To feel better, look better and have more confidence. To have more energy to play with my family. My plan is to live life to the full, I have a wonderful family, we all do martial arts, I want a black belt in taekwondo, a degree in criminology and forensic science, and a healthy kick-*kitten* body.