Is there any good exercise I can do with a bad knee?



  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    check out Fitness Blender on YouTube, they have various workouts and probably some cardio that will be strictly upper body for situations like yours.
  • taylorckt1
    taylorckt1 Posts: 263 Member
    I am dealing with a bad knee right now & I found several videos on youtube after doing a search for chair workouts & chair cardio...all give me a good workout & have me sweating...I am using 3 & 5 lb weights for my arms, back, & shoulders as well. Water Aerobics and the elliptical have also been suggested to me but I workout at home. Lastly, I found some great standing ab workouts on youtube as well.

    I was extremly leary at first BUT coupled with continued good eating, the pounds keep coming off!

    Good Luck
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    It really depends on the type of injury, but anything low-impact that doesn't put a lot of pressure on the joint should be fine. I notice a lot of people are saying swimming, however my doctor advised me against using breaststroke with a bad (dislocation-prone) knee, so maybe bear that in mind.

    I agree about the breaststroke thing. If you are going to swim, I would stick to the doggie paddle or front crawl type strokes, where your legs just move in a motion not unlike walking.

    Our knee joints are pretty good at moving in a single plane (as on a bicycle), but sideways movement can cause injury. Hence my advice earlier to avoid advanced yoga poses such as Padmasana--unless you have the hip flexibility and muscle strength to keep your knees from torquing sideways, you are going to injure either your AC ligaments or your menisci.
  • woofers1803
    Definitely see a physical therapist if you can. They can give you things to do specific to the injury you are dealing with, as well as possibly suggest a brace for you. I've torn everything in my knee and had major surgery on it as well and I am able to do elliptical, walking, hiking, and weight lifting with the proper brace. It can be done, you just need to have the right combination of support and therapy to get there.

    Definitely take it easy too. Don't push it too hard with an injury. Starting slow is worth it. Once you strengthen the joint and the muscles around it you will be able to increase your intensity. It does get better. Just give it time and make sure you see a physical therapist to get the right resources for your own situation!

    Good luck and best wishes! You can do it!
  • gonnabfit21
    gonnabfit21 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you soo much for ALL the help!! I am going to talk to my dr about going to a physical therapist. About 5 years ago I fell off a moped and messed up my shoulder and knee but after a few days I started to feel better so I never went to a dr so I really dont know what I did to it so I am paying for it now and since I am trying to get fit I have been working out alot more and it is starting to hurt A LOT more. But I will take it easy and talk to a physical therapist THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP!
  • CMGoodie
    CMGoodie Posts: 93 Member
    I have arthritis in both knees and a patella that doesn't sit in the right about bad knees.

    I have found that Aleve before working out to keep the swelling down and minimizes pain (mine is destined to stay), I wrap the right one (w/floating knee cap) on days that it hurts.

    You can do sitting leg lefts with ankle rotated to the outsides, calf raises and modified squats. If you do modified squats, don't bend as far, but use some weights to add to the workout.

    Swimming helps since the water is cool and keeps my knees comfortable. I will wear ankle weights and do squats, walk and run in the pool along with laps. I can't do the eliptical for long periods, it aggrevates them more, but I do tend to use the treadmill, and running on solid ground will kill them (but I perservere).

    Good luck.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I have arthritis in both knees and a patella that doesn't sit in the right about bad knees.

    I have found that Aleve before working out to keep the swelling down and minimizes pain (mine is destined to stay), I wrap the right one (w/floating knee cap) on days that it hurts.

    You can do sitting leg lefts with ankle rotated to the outsides, calf raises and modified squats. If you do modified squats, don't bend as far, but use some weights to add to the workout.

    Swimming helps since the water is cool and keeps my knees comfortable. I will wear ankle weights and do squats, walk and run in the pool along with laps. I can't do the eliptical for long periods, it aggrevates them more, but I do tend to use the treadmill, and running on solid ground will kill them (but I perservere).

    Good luck.

    Don't take NSAIDs before exercise.