Jillian Michaels Body Revolution

Is anyone on here doing the body revolution? I am trying to decide whether I should try it out. I have been lacking all motivation to exercise lately so trying to find new things!


  • blantondwb
    blantondwb Posts: 49 Member
    My niece and her daughter both use it and love it! I went to Wal-mart to buy it but they are sold out so I guess people must really like it!
  • emtbabe
    emtbabe Posts: 92 Member
    Totally recommend it-it starts off easy enough where you dont want to quit, and then of course progresses to insanity!:laugh: Which of course I love. But she makes videos i like better, but you have to work your butt off. Message me for any advice on Jillian M. or her partner Bob harper, I literally own every one of the videos:happy: