Whey vs. Soy



  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    @RunningRichel- I'm sorry. Sometimes the tone we'd use with our friends IRL get's misinterpreted on internet forums. I certainly did not mean to condescend to you, I was just trying to dispel some misinformation. I'll be more careful. However, that was a lot of vitriol to interpret from one little sentence. I think the rest of my post was objective and informative.

    It's true that the proteins in plants are slightly less bioavailable than the ones in animal sources, but not enough to make a significant difference diet-wise. Also, the proteins in soy are not less bioavailable than other plants.

    Re: Fermented soy products. Regular soy sauce is also fermented, so you can add that to your list. :)