One Inspired Mama

Hi Everyone! I'm a 32 year old full time stay at home mommy to my awesome 2 year old son. I've been on my journey to lose the dreaded "baby weight" which really can't be considered baby weight anymore, for a little over a year now. My goal is to get healthy and set a positive example for my family and in the process help and inspire others to do the same. So far I have managed to lose 40lbs. and over 35 inches. I still have a long ways to go to reach my ultimate goals and in hopes of keeping myself accountable and on track I created a LIKE page over on Facebook called, One Inspired Mama. I would really appreciate any support anyone is willing to show me. I'm on here quite a bit logging my food, workouts, and encouraging friends, but I do tend to spend a bit more time over on Facebook. If you could find it in your heart to check out my page it would be greatly appreciated. I'm always looking for accountability partners in crime over there if you'd like to connect. Thank you.