Puppy fat? Maybe 101 dalmations... - UK - 26yrs old

I was never a slim child, and I remember in my mid-teens my mother describing it as puppy fat.
Well, I'm now more on the obese side of things..
Looking to lose a lot of weight, 80lb hopefully.

I've tried to lose weight before, and have gone as far as losing enough for people to notice, and then suddenly it just jumps back on.
I don't have any other friends who are even close to my size who are trying to do the same thing.
I work in an office all day, so I'm restricted in my exercise, but that's no excuse.

Current weight: 259lb
Goal weight: 182lb

Please add me! I'm looking for support, working alongside people going through the same challenges as me.


  • Fitgrl430
    Fitgrl430 Posts: 22 Member
    I'll be your friend :smile: We can support each other.