More tired from walking?

Hi MFP! I've really enjoyed reading the posts here over the past couple months, and now it's time to make my first post.

So first, I'll set the stage. For the past 3 months or so, I've been doing a lot of cardio workouts. I started with walking or light elliptical 3-4 times/week to get myself into it and then advanced to moderate interval training (run 2 minutes, walk 2 minutes for half an hour, or interval setting on the elliptical or bike at the gym, or some good hikes) 4-5 times a week, and then finally over the last month added in some strength training as well. I've felt so happy with what my body has been able to do!

A little over a week ago, I adopted a dog, and now I'm walking the dog 3x a day (we don't have a yard, so she needs some good walks) and haven't gotten to do my normal workouts. The crazy thing is that walking her, adding up to about an hour a day, is leaving me beyond exhausted at the end of the day. I feel like I can't eat enough food to fill me up, and I'm just beat.

So the question part - Why is just walking killing me like this? Could exercising more often, even if lighter, be wearing me out more? Have you guys experienced anything like this?

Also, a secondary question - any tips for getting in a workout when you don't have the time you used to?


  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    not got much advice but if i go for a 1-2hr walk with the pushchair plus baby in his carrier then Im so hungry and end up eating an extra maybe 300cals that day
  • mamaof4beauties
    mamaof4beauties Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah I've found the same thing happening when I'd walk outside or do outdoor activities compared to indoor machine workouts. It must be all the fresh air! Walking outside is more of a workout than on a treadmill too. I can see how 3 x a day is wearing you out because your body is use to longer rest periods. Your body will eventually get use to it so keep at it. At that point you can pump up your dog walks with intervals and finding hills.

    As for fitting in more time for exercise all I know is waking up earlier or going to bed later if you're a night owl.