Fit Bit?? A good tool??



  • mzteebell
    mzteebell Posts: 44 Member
    I've had the Ultra and now the One. My fitbit is like my phone, can't leave home without it.
  • fadedimage
    fadedimage Posts: 22 Member
    Personally, hated it. I had the FitBit One and when comparing it to the BodyMedia LINK, the BodyMedia was much more accurate.

    For example, when riding the bike for one hour at the gym, I burned approximately 350 calories. BodyMedia LINK said 399 calories and FitBit said 96 calories. There's obviously a huge discrepancy.

    The same can be said of tracking sleep. The FitBit said I received only 4 hours of dedicated sleep whereas the BodyMedia LINK said I got around 6 hours (which is more accurate) of dedicated sleep (i.e. actually sleeping, not moving around, laying down, etc). I got rid of the FitBit One for this reason -- it wasn't accurate enough for me.

    Someone else mentioned FitBit counting stairs. While that's true, it doesn't differentiate between climbing stairs (in which you will burn more calories) as opposed to going down stairs (in which you would burn less). The BodyMedia knows a little better since it's actually taking data on your body itself through the sensor rather than just clipped to your belt/pants.
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    I love love love mine. It's just something to keep you going through out your day! After having mine for a little bit my SO loved it so much he went and bought one. And a month later my bestie also bought one. I'd suggest it to anyone and everyone
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    I was holding out for the FitBit Flex, but they never gave a release date. I got tired of waiting so I picked up the Jawbone Up fitness band and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I wear it all the time, even in the shower. It tracks activity and sleep and it has a silent alarm that wakes you by vibrating. I would highly recommend it!
  • aszwarc
    aszwarc Posts: 200 Member
    So the Fit Bit tracks steps and stairs? Or does it track overall activity?
    It tracks steps and stairs. For overall activity, you'll need something like the BodyMedia.

    I have a FitBit Zip, which doesn't have the stair or sleep tracking capability, so it's essentially a pedometer. But I like that I can see an accurate step count (my old mechanical pedometer was a piece of garbage), get some data tracking online, and sync it to a couple of sites I use that reward for steps/activity.
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    Do you use fit bit? Which product do you use? Is it accurate? Is it something you can't live without?? It's pretty pricey so I'd love to get some input before deciding.

    Thanks so much for your good, bad and ugly...


    Hi Sandi,

    I LOVE my Fitbit and can't imagine living without it. I never thought of it as "pricy" -- I guess that something I use all day and all night every day that gives me reams of data about my sleep and activity via a free website with robust charts/graphs and allows me to know precisely how many calories I am burning seems pretty reasonable at $99. That's just 27 cents a day for a year.

    Also, I see the difference that it makes in my behavior. Since Dec. 2012, I can see that my activity levels have steadily increased each month. I take the stairs at work now rather than the elevator. I walk more. I climb more stairs. I get more sleep. Just like SEEING my calories via MFP has allowed me to control them, so SEEING my activity via Fitbit has allowed me to optimize it.

    Now, I'm not saying that Fitbit is better than the competitors. I've only used Fitbit. Fitbit only tracks non-workout activity. But I think that the BodyMedia FIT tracks non-workout activity and sleep PLUS workout activity too. So with the Fitbit, you need a separate heart rate monitor like a Polar to track your workouts, but I believe that the BodyMedia Fit combines both. But I'm not sure if it gives the same data and charts as Fitbit.

    Whichever you choose, I highly recommend a tracker. Both Fitbit and BodyMedia Fit sync with MFP. I love how my Fitbit dials my diary calorie goal up and down based on my activity. And the sleep tracking is important. Sleep has a huge impact on weight gain and weight loss.

  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    So the Fit Bit tracks steps and stairs? Or does it track overall activity?
    It tracks steps and stairs. For overall activity, you'll need something like the BodyMedia.

    I have a FitBit Zip, which doesn't have the stair or sleep tracking capability, so it's essentially a pedometer. But I like that I can see an accurate step count (my old mechanical pedometer was a piece of garbage), get some data tracking online, and sync it to a couple of sites I use that reward for steps/activity.

    Thanks for the reply.
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    I would love to know if you have any recommendations on which one is best and how exactly they work. Tricky to upload data?

    I have a Fitbit One and it talks back and forth all day with MFP and my data is uploaded automagically. Easy as pie! Here's how it works: If you have a compatible device like an iPhone 5/4S or iPad, etc. then it sync via bluetooth with your Fitbit. If not, you can get a dongle (small USB plug). I got a couple dongles for work and home. Whenever I'm within 20-40 feet of a computer with a dongle, it syncs automatically.

    I also have the Fitbit ARIA, which is a digital scale that also calculated bodyfat %. This is so important so that when the scale doesn't move, I can see if I am gaining muscle. Also, I can make sure that as I lose, I'm losing fat not muscle. So important to monitor bodyfat %! Also, Fitbit uses my BF% to calculate my BMR so that the calorie burn it displays for me is extra-accurate.

    Best part about the Aria: I step on it and it automatically sends my data via Wi-Fi to my computer. So all I do is wear my Fitbit and step on the scale once a week. Fitbit automatically recalculates my BMR every time it gets new weight/BF% data. Fitbit exchanges data automatically all day long with MFP so that my burn is accurate and my diary calorie goal is based on my activity levels. Even when I log a workout in MFP, because I enter the start time and duration of the workout, Fitbit can get that data and calorie burn from MFP and adjust it's data to replace that period of time in its data with the workout calories. All my devices work together to support my health/fitness goals and it all happens so automatically! It's an amazing system!
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    I have had mine for 10 months (the older, discontinued ultra). Is it accurate? Yes, it does a remarkable job of counting steps and I like the equivalent floors function of the altimter (which only accumulates increases in increments of 10 feet when you are moving. I have not had any difficulty with "extra steps" from riding in a car or on the bus.

    Like any pedometer, you've got to set your stride distance.

    It can get a little confused by moving quickly up and down steps and it assumes that you are "running" and will apply the running stride to those quicker steps. Zip doesn't track stair flights.

    Fitbit and MFP calculate calorie allowance differently but end up in the same place at the end of the day. I use MFP for food logging and allow Fitbit to correct back calorie addition due to energy expenditure. And if you name the food listing the same in both Fitbit and MFP, what you enter in MFP (as the summation of a meal or snack) ends up over in Fitbit so that it can use the data as well.

    You are welcome to see my data at:

    The sleep function is approximate based upon body movement and the algorithm it uses to figure time awake/asleep. It isn't available on the Zip.

    The unit automatically updates every 15 minutes when it gets within about 15 feet of the base station. The new ultra allows you to buy multiple dongles so that you can update at home and office. If you have the newer i-Phones w/ Bluetooth 4 and some Android phones (also with a compliant version of BT4), the new version will sync directly through the phone.

    The "zip" and "one" are water resistant. the old ultra isn't really very water tolerant. But you shouldn't wash them (quite a common problem).

    I may eventually replace my ultra with a one, but I've been very happy with mine. Note the combination of accuate tracking and food intake took off the last 20 pounds.
  • purple_power61
    purple_power61 Posts: 59 Member
    How is it different from the average pedometer?
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    I requested a fitbit flex for mother's day.

    I was between that and the bodymedia. I understand that bodymedia is more accurate and has better sensors, but I'm not going to spend my summer with this bulky gray armband hanging out on my skinny little stick figure arms. No.

    In the end, the most accurate one is going to be the one you will use consistently.
  • stestut
    stestut Posts: 42
    Do you use fit bit? Which product do you use? Is it accurate? Is it something you can't live without?? It's pretty pricey so I'd love to get some input before deciding.

    Thanks so much for your good, bad and ugly...


    Hi Sandi,

    I LOVE my Fitbit and can't imagine living without it. I never thought of it as "pricy" -- I guess that something I use all day and all night every day that gives me reams of data about my sleep and activity via a free website with robust charts/graphs and allows me to know precisely how many calories I am burning seems pretty reasonable at $99. That's just 27 cents a day for a year.

    Also, I see the difference that it makes in my behavior. Since Dec. 2012, I can see that my activity levels have steadily increased each month. I take the stairs at work now rather than the elevator. I walk more. I climb more stairs. I get more sleep. Just like SEEING my calories via MFP has allowed me to control them, so SEEING my activity via Fitbit has allowed me to optimize it.

    Now, I'm not saying that Fitbit is better than the competitors. I've only used Fitbit. Fitbit only tracks non-workout activity. But I think that the BodyMedia FIT tracks non-workout activity and sleep PLUS workout activity too. So with the Fitbit, you need a separate heart rate monitor like a Polar to track your workouts, but I believe that the BodyMedia Fit combines both. But I'm not sure if it gives the same data and charts as Fitbit.

    Whichever you choose, I highly recommend a tracker. Both Fitbit and BodyMedia Fit sync with MFP. I love how my Fitbit dials my diary calorie goal up and down based on my activity. And the sleep tracking is important. Sleep has a huge impact on weight gain and weight loss.


    Thanks for the info!! I ordered one from ebay today. Hoping to get it up and working next week!!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I got a Fitbit Zip about three weeks it! Is it essential? But it is useful and interesting...and wasn't expensive.
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    I have a Fitbit Zip. It does a good job keeping track of my steps & calories "burned," but is not accurate. I got a Garmin heart rate monitor for accuracy for my workouts. However, the Zip is more accurate than MFP for calories burned, imo.
  • ckbabs
    ckbabs Posts: 3 Member
    Wow this is great information!!!! :) Ok - I'll place an order today - I THINK for the BodyMedia so I can track active and inactive data. This is wonderful! I find my success improves when I have visual results to look at. Game on!
  • Freedom125
    Freedom125 Posts: 31 Member
    I've had both the Body Media armband and the Fitbit One. For me, although I loved the features and accuracy of the armband, I was far too self conscious to wear the armband in public. I did it a couple of days and then started resorting to wearing sweaters, but even then it was pretty visible. So, A++ for features and information, but in the end I hated the thing.

    I currently am using a fitbit one and I LOVE it. It's not as accurate as the armband, but it's not all that far off and I don't need total accuracy, I just need something that will tell me how I'm doing relative to every other day.

    I've also washed mine (I actually didn't realize it until I put in laundry and later I got an email congratulating me for climbing 25 floors.. oops!), but it wasn't harmed at all and still works just as well.

    I've had no issues with it counting extra steps in the car, although I have noticed that the stairs don't seem to be accurate. It's hard for me to tell though since I live in a split level house and have flights of 4-5 stairs all over the place, and I'm not sure what criteria it uses to calculate.

    It's also nice not to have that monthly charge to access your data, like there was with the armband.
  • iwillsucceed4me
    iwillsucceed4me Posts: 7 Member
    Please post your experience and opinion on your Jawbone UP on the UP thread I started.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    i love my zip...
    i thought about getting the new ultra when it comes out, but then remembered how much i hate HATE HATe watches, so i am staying faithful to my Zip! , i have one my husband has one, its great to use to keep yourself on goal..
    if you are a "GADGETY" type of person you will love it !!

    the zip is so small , about the size of a stack of 3 quarters , in the holder its about 4ish its not noticable.
    it links to your smart phone or iphone ( in case you dont have a "Smart" phone ( yes that was a slam on apple)
    i love seeing the numbers of steps rise, my boss is a bit of a health nut, so he is pretty supportive when he sees me up and walking around the office

    i love it.

    edited to add - i have my zip linked with my walgreens rewards account, so exercise really does PAY me!!
  • iwillsucceed4me
    iwillsucceed4me Posts: 7 Member
    I have the FITBIT one. It works very well. I also use the Jawbone UP bracelet. I do compare the sleep patterns and steps. They show a little difference but not much. The FITBIT one is great. It is accurate for me for climbing stairs, sleep, etc. As far as driving a car and counting, (I have long commutes) there is an APP for that called "DRIVEBIT" It basically starts a timer when you drive to eliminate those counts. I have downloaded it but have forgotten to start the timer when I drive to work..... The FITBIT one was about $99 at BestBuy. They also had a smaller FITBIT model that had less features, maybe the sleep tracking. It was about $59. I like that the FITBIT syncs via bluetooth with my computer and I have it synced to this website also.
  • Louttie
    Louttie Posts: 138 Member
    I bought my fitbit a little over a month ago. It was my favorite before i bought my Polar ft4 heart rate monitor. Which is half the price and much better!! But anyway i would recommend a fitbit, keeps me motivated to walk further.