i'm back!

So last summer I discovered MFP and used it religiously and lost 10 lbs before I went back to school. However, once I was back at school I had a really hard time keeping up with everything I had to do in addition to logging every morsel I put in my mouth, so I focused more on maintaining the weight I'd lost rather than losing more. And I did! With some ups and downs throughout the year (getting down to 152, and up to 159 again) I returned home for the summer at the exact same weight I was when I left. And now I'm back home and ready to lose more weight and get closer to my goal. Today I'm weighing in at 155 lbs, and by the time I go back to school (August 15), I'm hoping to be no more than 145 (or 140, ideally). I'm nervous about getting back on the wagon, but so excited as well!