I have uh friend...

lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Yesterday for mother's day we went to my sister's house where all my family and my sister's in-laws gathered for a big lunch. So many people asked me about my weight loss and complimented me. A lot asked me about it and how I was doing it and during the conversation they would ask how much more I want to lose. I want to lose 15 more pounds by my little sister's wedding and after that I still have 20 pounds to lose to get to goal. Each and every single one of them would say "I have a friend that lost 23728372837817328718 pounds and if you want to lose these 15 pounds by the wedding you can do what they did. (Insert diet pill/Body cleanse/some unrealistic way of losing weight here)".

I know everyone has good intentions, but I just think it's funny that i've lost 33 pounds and people are still trying to tell me how to lose weight the fastest way possible. I don't want fast. It has taken me FOR FREAKN' EVER to lose these 33 pounds, but i'm okay with that!

Anyway, yeah, not taking diet pills. Thanks! :bigsmile:


  • prettylyzard
    prettylyzard Posts: 98 Member
    Good for you! I agree. I tried all that too and all it did was make me lose and then gain more back. Congrats on your weight loss, keep it up!
  • lilay
    lilay Posts: 122
    I know what you mean. A family member who told me this weekend that I should try this cleanse thing, because “It has made such a difference for her friend”. I just smiled and said thanks, but in the back of my head I thought I've lost 47 lbs since mid January I think I'm doing ok.

    BTW Congrats on losing 33 pounds. Keep doing what your doing!!!!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Thank you! :heart:
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Thank you!

    I'm so happy you have had that realization. We are constantly bombarded with quick fixes and people are so ignorant to believe the marketing. They work for a short period, but then you gain it back or end up sick.

    Slow and steady is the best way. You obviously have made a lifestyle change and that's how you will (and ARE!) successful.

    Props to you. :)
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Wow,,, I've never gotten that. Can't think of a single person who has tried to give me tips about weight loss. Maybe it's a girl thing. When guy loses weight and keeps it off I think some folks are just astounded,,, 'cause most guys are just not that interested in it, and if we do try we basically suck at it. When one of us succeeds it's just amazing.

    Ignore 'em honey, you're doing super and you know it. They're just giving you tips to lose a quick 20 and put it right back on - what you're doing is forever. :smile:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    At some point, you just have to laugh.........
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    That's great that you have lost so much and are doing it correctly. I have friends who have done the cleanse thing and rave about them. I agree with them to a point (having a clean body free of chemicals is also important). I don't believe in a "quick" weight loss.

    When people ask for my advise, I suggest to change their eating habits (cut out fast food, not eat so much processed stuff, MORE veggies). I am currently working on hubby to get him to change his eating habits a bit, but it is a slow and steady process. Thankfully I do all the cooking in the house, so all meals are balanced (well maybe a bit more fresh veg on the table).

    Good luck and keep doing what you are doing. You seem to be doing the right thing.:happy:
  • 4me2sibiai
    4me2sibiai Posts: 71
    I just had that happen in the gym..."You're doing great...I want you to meet someone who lost 40 lbs using XYZ Body blah blah blah." I simply said, "Thank you for thinking of me with that, but I am choosing to do it naturally." Be kind to these people, they are just trying to help and see you are making the effort. The slower and more consistent, the better. Yes, all "pills/fads" cause the body to go into food shock and you are almost guaranteed to bounce back. Keep up the great work YOUR way. It's working for YOU! :)
  • popplylily
    popplylily Posts: 97
    oh god yeah, im always in that boat. my sister is large and is just always going with cambridge diet or other drastic measures to see it come off quick, then has breaks when she is stressed and it goes back on, she can blame someone for that if you know what i mean, rather than slow steady and sensible. they are constantly going on about how fast you can lose and emergency 10 pound losses and im like wtf??? why??? thats not going to last!
    its sooooo shallow to think like that. your doing this for your body and getting confidence from the visual results thats fine, but its so clear when people are fixated on the quick that its to make them feel power above other people, at least in my scenario.. and its like, damn girl, you could have a heart attack, stop worrying about not having the upper hand above other people due to your weight, your powerful and assertive whatever, lose weight for the right reasons...
    and that whole skinny picture thing, yeah you were 17yrs old! and may have had guys falling at your feet, but your worth more than your weight seriousley! if they treat you worse or wouldnt look at you now, what worth are they? make yourself feel good in other ways... sorry to rant on but this kind of talk always gets me rattled!!
    there was this girlfriend of my friends who kept going on about losing weight quick and that she needed to cos she was 8 stone! omg! everyone at the table was at least 3 stones heavier!! grrr! shoot em!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    8 stone = 112 pounds guyz,,,

    This is so simple - "Eat less - move more - dont' eat crap". That's it,,, some folks just can't accept that and look for other ways.
  • I would just reply to these statesments like this " I don't want a quick fix, I'm doing this to be healthy and I want to do it right, stay healthy and keep the weight off...you cant get that from a bottle, but thank you for offering :)"

    you are doing great! dont let ignorant statements get you down!!
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    GOOD! I like reading this as opposed to someone asking, "Even though I've lost 33lbs and I doing this wrong? Should I be doing [fill in dumb loose-weight-quick-thingie here]?" Proud of you, I am.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Good for you! You're doing it the healthiest way! You're going to have so much more success in the long run than any of their friends! Keep on trucking!!!
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Just take satisfaction that you are doing it the right way & making lifestyle changes.

    There was a girl that I worked with that lost 60 lbs by snorting coke. She kept it off, but she also ruined her marriage, lost her house, lost her car, and lost her job. Hrrrmmmmm.... I'll pass.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I totally get what your saying. I haven't lost as much as you but over 20 lbs since Nov. and I still have people telling me to take water pills and diet pills and blah blah blah and I don't want to be rude so I just smile and say ohhh kay...no thanks, I'm good.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    8 stone = 112 pounds guyz,,,

    This is so simple - "Eat less - move more - dont' eat crap". That's it,,, some folks just can't accept that and look for other ways.

    Or as I say..."Eat less - Move more - Eat crap, sometimes!"

    :laugh: Just kidding, kinda. :bigsmile:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Yeah, I think it's funny when people KNOW how much you've lost and yet they think they can help you out by offering some ridiculous diet scheme. LAME!!! And by the way, congrats on the 33 lbs!!!!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Thank you! :)
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    It's like they don't dig the irony,,,

    "Ok, let me get this straight. I'm standing here rocking a pair of bike shorts. I recently dropped XXlbs with good diet and exercise. My BP is 110/65, and I'm off all my meds. I have 12 more pounds to lose to look like Calista Flockhart. You're standing there munching on a twinkie and stretching hell out of a mu-mu, and you've got tips for me on how to lose that last little bit".

    Riiiiiigggghhhhtt, :huh:
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