I remember why I hate exercise...



  • 86_Ohms
    86_Ohms Posts: 253 Member
    I'm not OP but ....

    Dear guy saying lift weights...I DO lift weights and that makes me more hungry than cardio hehe!!

    I find that a protein shake immediately after workout satiates my ravenous beast long enough to make a healthy lunch or dinner.

    Oh I agree, I'm still hungry after lifting. That's why I usually do it in the evening and can sleep after having a 300 cal-400cal meal or shake:

    1 frozen Banana
    1/3 cup of raw almonds
    1 cup water (and 1 cup ice)
    1 serving whey isolate protein

    At 373 calories, 24g Carbs, and 16g sugar usually keeps me full and restores some sugar to muscles after workout.

    But when I hear 'craving' it's usually for something sweet/salty and isn't going to be for something too healthy. That isn't bad every once and awhile, but can definitely have a snowball effect.