When you just *gotta* have chocolate...



  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    A square of Cadbury Dairy Milk bar is like 30 calories and that's usually good. If it's not I have to work a brownie or ice cream into my day which is not completely impossible. Or chocolate pudding. I'd rather have that any day (especially homemade).
    _FATNSASSY Posts: 107 Member
    SKIM MILK and HERSHEYS CHOCOLATE SURYP. Curves the craving w/ less calories and it's pretty good for you. If I have chocolate around me anywhere I eat it... so I dont allow it in the house!
  • heatheralia
    heatheralia Posts: 79 Member
    I feel that way right after lunch. I usually chew a piece of mint chocolate chip sugar free gum. It helps cut the cravings.
  • Rose_bee
    Rose_bee Posts: 226 Member
    One small square of Dove Dark Chocolate.
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    Fiber one brownies 90 calories, Skinny cow Ice cream 100-130 calories, Skinny cow candy 100 calories and pudding 60 calories. I am really glad to see i'm not the only person here that has a big sweet tooth =)

    (I don't eat this every day, well not all of them in the same day lol I do usually have on or the other)
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    If I want chocolate, I have a little piece. I love dark chocolate, which is suppose to be healthier. I rather have a little than restrict myself
  • sjwright66
    I get the same thing after dinner... But only if I'm used to eating desert (Like two days in a row) then I immediately start craving something sweet after dinner. You just need to resist the temptation.
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    For hot chocolate go or a low cal one. In the UK there is a brand called Options which has a portion of hot chocolate for 40 calories - that's an 11g portion.
    I personally can't go without chocolate - so a few ideas are
    * 5 grams of chocolate drops/chips is about 25 calories
    * Options hot chocolate is 40 calories
    * Shape velvety chocolate yogurt is 109 calories

    There is also a recipe on my blog that I found on the net on how to make a healthy chocolate cake made from black beans (totally divine btw) and last weekend I split the batter into muffin cases so they were individually portioned and only 111 calories and I normally have it with a shape yogurt on it to make a proper dessert but still only 220 calories :-)
  • enitsirhck
    enitsirhck Posts: 36 Member
    What works for me is basically planning my meals for the day ahead of time. I don't deny myself, I eat foods I like, and I know typically when cravings hit and what I will crave, so I plan ahead and always have a backup just in case.

    Example: I always want a nibble of some kind of sweet pastry right when I get to work. So instead of raiding the vending machine or ~horror~ stopping for coffee and a donut or a "healthy" (*cough*BS*cough) muffin, I keep tea at work and every couple weeks make a big batch of mini muffins - these are the recipes I use with some substitutions like i just use 1/4c sugar instead of truvia (http://piecesinprogress.tumblr.com/minimuffin).

    I also keep high quality dark chocolate in the freezer at home, none of this hershey's nonsense - eat the best quality chocolate you can afford, don't worry so much about the calories as long as it's within your nutritional goals.
  • still_a_caterpillar
    What do you guys mean by macros? I'm still relatively new at this whole take-weight-loss-seriously bit.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I keep individually wrapped DARK chocolate in my house at all times.(Dove Promises, Ghirardelli Squares...) When I just have to have something, I have one or two pieces.
  • mikejholmes
    mikejholmes Posts: 291 Member
    Does it have to be chocolate, or can it be "chocolate - like"?
    I have a bag of Werther's Original in my desk at work. 1 candy lasts like 20 mins, has 20 calories, and only 5g of carbs.
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    I eat chocolate pb2. yum!
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    I eat chocolate chips. I like dark chocolate, so good quality semi-sweet chocolate chips taste good to me. 30 chocolate chips is 70 calories. Yes, I count them! And then I savor each one individually, which makes the chocolate experience last a long time. I particularly enjoy them along with a glass of shiraz!
  • Scarlett_Belle
    Scarlett_Belle Posts: 145 Member
    Fiber One 90 cal chcolate bar- tasty
  • cindiva65
    cindiva65 Posts: 335 Member
    I eat dark chocolate. I find the Ghiradelli Intense 86% (its pretty bitter) satisfies me and isnt sweet so Im able to eat just one square (about 70 calories) and not devour the entire bar, which I tend to do with chocolate.
  • crabbok
    crabbok Posts: 66 Member
    I bake brownies, take a portion of them, roll them into tight little balls, and fill the center with homemade peanut butter and honey, then I coat them in melted milk chocolate and let them cool in the fridge. Later on, they are about the size of bon bons and they are absolutely amazingly good! And every single time I make them I gain like 4 pounds, so don't follow my advice unless you want to die.
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    <-- eats chocolate daily, drinks wine daily, loses weight steadily.

    Secret: factor everything into daily calorie plan. MFP is a great logging tool. It's an even better planning tool. I map out the next day every evening. Dinner is often the only variable, because we change that on the fly quite a bit.
  • Tme2change
    Tme2change Posts: 185 Member
    I eat dark chocolate and the darker the better, although usually around 60-70% is where I find that my chocolate fix is actually "fixed". I don't have to eat a ton either, maybe 1-2 oz, 2oz if it that TOM or if I'm having a stressful day any more than that I'm sick.
    Milk chocolate anymore makes me sick.
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    I eat chocolate pretty much daily, and am trying to make a habit of switching to dark (my sugar intake is almost always through the roof *sigh*). Lindt makes a really good Dark Chocolate Orange bar I'm really liking lately (1 square = 50 calories, 5g of sugar). Carnation is making Rolo, Coffee Crunch, and I think After 8 flavored hot chocolate mixes - I don't remember how they add up when you're taking sugar into account, but they work out to about 120 calories - which makes for a good snack. Everything in moderation I say :)