diet pills



  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    I heard about these..

    and is dr. oz that is recomending them.. but MFP members say pills dont work.. i dont know what to believe either...

    The product on that website smells like a scam to me. If you look at the comments, you'll see:
    1: The word "Comment" is not spelled correctly. This proves that the website is not professionally done, and raises huge red flags about the product they sell.
    2. There are two comments on the same day, different times, different user names, that are word for word identical. This says to me that the "comments" are all faked.
    3. No comments from before 1/22/2013 and none after 1/27/2013. This convinces me even more that the comments are faked. If the product worked as advertised, why aren't more people raving about it?

    It doesn't matter what the product is. If the website is unprofessional, if the comments and testimonials are obvious fakes, I don't trust the company or the product, and I won't be sending them any money.

    Yeah those comments definitely sound fake!! I'd research and if really wanted purchase elsewhere.
  • fitgal05
    fitgal05 Posts: 149
    I've been trying to say that to people too, you don't need 100 a month shakes to lose weight, meal replacements, bars or even a expensive gym membership. You can lose weight by making healthier choices! Eat less, move more it works. Plus the hunger thing at every point of my diet hits and I know this sounds lame...but drink water. Even if you already are drink more, drink tea drink flavored water, drink carbonated water with green tea bags. You can do so much to make it taste better without the calories or artificial junk and chemicals. When three O'clock hits and I get extra hungry I eat protein and drink water.
  • JT219
    JT219 Posts: 19
    for those of you that are taking them, what are you taking?
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I heard about these..

    and is dr. oz that is recomending them.. but MFP members say pills dont work.. i dont know what to believe either...

    Definately don't believe Dr Oz. He pushes whatever pill the company tells him to so he makes money. Just because Dr Oz says it works doesn't mean it does. He has turned into someone who just pushes whatever he gets paid to knowing people will listen to him because of the "dr" in front of his name.

    where there be someone out there rude enough to use his title just to make money? wouldnt that jeopardize his "position" and title?

    He endorses them because he gets a cut from the company who makes them. A lot of people still love him for some reason. Personally I find he's not credible anymore. He used to have great shows that had a lot of good information in them... lately it seems to be all pills and magic fixes.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I heard about these..

    and is dr. oz that is recomending them.. but MFP members say pills dont work.. i dont know what to believe either...

    Definately don't believe Dr Oz. He pushes whatever pill the company tells him to so he makes money. Just because Dr Oz says it works doesn't mean it does. He has turned into someone who just pushes whatever he gets paid to knowing people will listen to him because of the "dr" in front of his name.

    where there be someone out there rude enough to use his title just to make money? wouldnt that jeopardize his "position" and title?

    I'm not a fan, mostly because I'm at work or in the gym when he's on, but just to be clear...

    Dr. Oz does not endorse or produce any products. Anything with his name or picture on it is being used without authorization - so you don't want to buy those. Dr. Oz does not promote any specific products and does not make money from selling products - he makes money from advertising slots based on number of viewers just like every other talk show. He continually talks about weight loss and labels too many products with hype inducing names like "miracle in a bottle". That does not negate the actual product but does tarnish his name/show as over promoting these products to gain larger viewership. Just like local news stations will hype the ‘What’s killing your kids? Tune in at 7 to find out!’ Dr. Oz uses key phrases and sensationalism to grow and keep a large audience base.

    Dr. Oz has a link for reporting any products or companies that are using his name or picture here:

    He might not endorse a specific brand but he does tend to talk about the latest suppliement that will make you sleep better, lose weight, look younger, etc etc. I remember a while back he had brands on his show.. he may of changed that recently as I haven't watched his show in a while.
  • ammadove
    ammadove Posts: 97 Member
    I lost 40-50 pounds in a pretty short time by taking phentermine, a prescription diet pill 5 years ago. So some do work. But I gained it all back during a pregnancy. And it didn't work on me the 2nd time around, my doctor says that sometimes if you take a pill then stop, then try to take it again it won't work the second time around. IMHO there is nothing wrong with taking diet pills, some people need that extra boost, nothing wrong with that.
  • ammadove
    ammadove Posts: 97 Member
    I am on a perscription for phentermine at this time and am being closely monitored by a physician. I have met with a nutritionist and been given guidelines to help me lose weight. After trying on my own for more that 3 years and not having good results and being unable to exercise due to an injury, this has made a profound positive impact on my life. :smile:
  • feather314
    Before my wedding I took phentermine - of course I wanted to lose weight and look fab on my wedding day. I lost a significant amount of weight; however, I was also in the gym 6 days a week. I busted my *kitten*. I ate healthy foods. I can't say for certain whether it was the diet pills or the efforts I put in... maybe a combo of both?

    I got down to a wonderful weight and size... then stopped. I stopped the pills, stopped the gym and it ALL came back and then some.

    Diet pills are typically an appetite suppressant, although there are others. They work in the short term but they don't teach you how to eat for the rest of your life. Once you stop taking them old habits start creeping in.

    This time around I have no desire to take such pills. I am focused on better eating and exercise. I'm not saying that you shouldn't use them, that would be hypocritical of me. I just think you should be aware its a temporary fix and doesn't really address the root of the problem.

    Good luck!!
  • chica6578
    chica6578 Posts: 76 Member
    Disclaimer - i DO watch my calorie intake, and DO get a little exersice i DO NOT rely on pills (anymore) for weightloss, just as a helper or boost for energy.

    girl i am the QUEEN of diet pills!! :laugh: i've tried LOTS of them. coming from someone that relied ONLY on pills to lose weight, like eveyone else says. that dont work. so if you WANT to take them, go for it. but it will probaby take about two weeks continuously taking a certain pil that you'll see an results.
    i've tried:

    Phentermine -- a couple years back, made me CRAZY!! i would get really angry and irritated really quickly. i stopped taking them when i found myself screaming at my toddler and he started crying i felt so horrible. i threw them away.

    Skinny Fiber - if you need fiber in your diet, these help. they smell like chicken seasoning, and they gave me headaches. i still have a bottle. didnt like them enough to continue use.

    Recreate - loveed loved loved these!!! they were full of caffiene, im a little sensative to caffaiene.... (makes me #2 alot) i only used these for a little bit, or if i know i'm gonna have to do alot of physical activity that day

    itWorks thermo pills -- cant remember what they are called, but they taste like raspberry, these made me burp alot and i dont know the effects of weight loss they had (if any) but they gave me a nice energy boost, an easy one, nothing too extremem.

    Currently i Take:
    ThermoPlus from AdvoCare, these pills make me F-N bloated!!! and i burp, but i dont eat hhaahha. so i've actually lost 2 extra pounds from taking them. but that probably comes from the uncomfortableness and bloating i get (which probably isnt healthy) but hey, i lost two poulnds. haha
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    Why take pills when you're not sick? :P
  • FinallyFindingLisa
    FinallyFindingLisa Posts: 222 Member
    Tried them all over the years - put all of them into the garbage can when I started here :wink:
  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    Depends if you're talking about supplements or drugs.
  • estrange22
    estrange22 Posts: 210 Member
    Unless you have an extreme (100 lbs or more) to lose...I don't recommend! I took phentermine after I gave birth because I had gained 50 lbs during my pregnancy and had no motivation and was exhausted. I lost the first 30 with that and a healthy diet and exercise, but looking back, I think I would have been able to do it without the phentermine. After I stopped taking it, I gained about 10 pounds back and really had to give it my all to lose the rest of the weight. So, no.
  • LisaMarie8713
    Dr. Oz will pimp anyone with a check written in his name. Its all totally bogus.

    Live healthy, and worry about a few pounds less. Duh... diet pills are just for the lazy people.
  • Eshades
    Eshades Posts: 30 Member
    I might lose some of my friends over this, but I do take them.

    I'm a complete head case, and i mainly take them as a motivator to get to the gym. I figure if I'm gonna pay for diet pills I better eat better and work out....even though a good diet and exercise alone will make me lose weight.

    yeah, I'm crazy.

    Thank you so much for your honesty in reply. =)
  • jrue1985
    jrue1985 Posts: 191 Member
    I saw a great post today,
    'you don't need diet pills, fancy shakes, or crazy gadgets. All you need is a pair of running shoes and a sports bra!' (if you are a woman). I think it definitely applies.
    Exercise, and eat whole, healthy foods. Correct portions. The fundamentals are actually quite easy to understand :-).

    All the best, and good luck!

    And some undies... don't want to be arrested for indecent exposure :-)
  • donnacervelli11
    donnacervelli11 Posts: 109 Member
    In my misguided youth, I admit to trying a few diet pills. The only one that really worked for me was Stacker 2. I lost weight, but I also got heart palpitations and massive headaches. In the States at least, Stacker was banned for a little while because the levels of ephedra they were using was caused dangerously increased heart rates and high blood pressure.

    I've also tried hoodia gordonii - it's a root extract the purportedly suppresses your appetite. It really didn't do anything for me, except make me nauseous. Can't really eat if you feel sick to your stomach, so I guess it worked in a fashion.

    So far, the only diet gimmick that's worked for me without making me feel faint, dizzy, nauseous or like my heart was beating a million times an hour was the Atkins diet.
  • charman99
    charman99 Posts: 88 Member
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    for those of you that are taking them, what are you taking?

    if you want a quick fix go ahead. Your wallet will lose some weight as well while you're at it, and you'll be left disappointed. How do you think these pills work anyway (if they do)? Obviously shocking your body - this is never a good thing.

    If you don't respect your body or your health, then go for it :)
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I have used them in the past. But, what I learned is that it didn't teach me how to eat. I just didn't eat much when I took them. I've learned that it's just easier to learn how to eat, what to eat. They did work but won't do it again. I also gained everything back plus more. For me lesson learned.