Iron intake for women?

Quick question about iron intake for women: I am monitoring it in my food diary because I tend to have a problem with not getting enough/losing too much. Should I only take a supplement when I dont get enough on a certain day, just take it every day or only take it at those times of the month when I lose it? Thanks for any advice :)


  • I feel it would be best to take one every other day. While you don't want your iron levels to drop, you also don't want to have too much iron in your body. I found a vitamin supplement for women under age 50, and it has all of the essential vitamins and minerals that we need in just 2 a day!
  • Flash4wrd
    Flash4wrd Posts: 35
    Care to share the brand/ and where you found it?:smile:
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    This should really be something you're discussing with your doctor.
  • I found it at Wal Mart and it is called One Source Multivitamin Women's Under 50. The bottle has 60 caplets. You take 2 per day with food (so before or after you eat). It gives 18mg of iron, and also has these vitamins/minerals as well:

    -Folic Acid
    -Pantothenic Acid


    It pretty much has every single vitamin/mineral a woman needs haha. I love them (:
  • Flash4wrd
    Flash4wrd Posts: 35
    Thanks Cookie :) and Hardcore I have discussed this with my doc before, I am always low. I am going back soon though and I am gathering ideas to discuss with her. Thanks!!!
  • Definitely go check out a local walmart for the supplements! They make you feel more energetic, and I've noticed they have made my body feel full much faster during meals.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    I am borderline anemic (have been most of my life if not all!) - I despise iron pills because they are larger than life!!

    I did not realize just how little of iron I consume on a regular basis until i joined wonder I am so close to being anemic. The foods highest in iron just are not my faves! I started taking Nature's way Alive Women's energy (if you are low in iron..tired ALL the time is a side effect)...this also has 18 mg in one tablet which is 100% the recommended amount. Even with the pill - I do not go over the 100% by much on most days. I take it every single day.

    I have to say - since a few days after beginning the energy has improved as well as some other great benefits :)
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You should get an iron test from your doctor if you haven't already and they can best advise you. I have always had good iron levels and I only take a mutlivitamin a few times a week.