New job and in need of fitness/diet advice to not regress

I am posting this because I have recently accepted a job that will require me to be pretty inactive and sit in a cubicle all day for 8 hours a day! This worries me because I am used to having a job that had a lot of movement involved. Other than a diet with low calories and keeping with my usual exercise, what can I do to prevent myself from regressing and continue progressing? What are some good simple meals and snacks that will be filling and help keep me full at the office? Are there any good stretches or anything to keep some movement in a small cubicle? Thank you for taking the time to read this, it is appreciated!


  • RunReadEat
    RunReadEat Posts: 37 Member
    Congratulations on the new job! I'd say try to find reasons to get up every hour, even if it's just for two minutes. Refill your water, hand deliver a message, have your computer set to default print on a printer down the hall. Can you adjust your commute to bike or walk to work? Can you park farther away to get more walking in?

    You can also check to see what benefits your new employer might offer, such as gym memberships or even informal groups that walk at lunchtime. My office has kitchens with refrigerators, which makes it easy to bring in stuff to make salad for lunch everyday, or to reheat healthy meals from home. I also keep low fat/sugar granola, nuts and almond milk on hand for a quick, filling meal/snack.

    Good luck!
  • doomspark
    doomspark Posts: 228 Member
    Use stairs instead of elevator. Park at the far end of the parking lot (walk with a friend if it's dark out). Stand up at your desk for a few minutes of every hour. Walk down the hall and back on your breaks.

    Congrats on new job, btw. You can DO this.
  • teri1956
    teri1956 Posts: 221 Member
    Congratulations on the new job!

    We have a few ball chairs in our office. At $75 each they are a bargain and help with core muscles. Help you sit up straight and mindful of the need to not get tied to your chair! I am buying one for home.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,971 Member
    Look at your new job as a new fitness challenge! Lunchtime walk if you get a real hour. Tinker with your calorie goal, but don't go crazy.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • sammielealea
    sammielealea Posts: 245 Member
    Congratulations on the new job! I'd say try to find reasons to get up every hour, even if it's just for two minutes. Refill your water, hand deliver a message, have your computer set to default print on a printer down the hall. Can you adjust your commute to bike or walk to work? Can you park farther away to get more walking in?

    You can also check to see what benefits your new employer might offer, such as gym memberships or even informal groups that walk at lunchtime. My office has kitchens with refrigerators, which makes it easy to bring in stuff to make salad for lunch everyday, or to reheat healthy meals from home. I also keep low fat/sugar granola, nuts and almond milk on hand for a quick, filling meal/snack.

    Good luck!

    All excellent ideas! I would add that when I worked an office job I would prepare a few large ziploc bags or containers of raw veggies like cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, snap peas, carrots, celery . . . anything that I liked to munch on without salt or dip on them, and keep them handy if you are feeling munchy; I had a bad habit of wanting to munch at my desk :laugh: . And get yourself a large, pretty water bottle that you will keep on your desk, it will be a great reminder to stay hydrated. Congrats on the new job!!
  • callacallacalla
    callacallacalla Posts: 2 Member
    I have a few tips for you (sorry if someone has already said this!). I work sometimes 3 or 4 times a week and have recently been trying to lose wait. I feel I have never really cared about my wait but now I need to take some action. At work, when you sit at a job and are bored on not busy, you find you just want to eat! Try making sugar free jelly and carrot sticks (not together! :P) because they are really low fat, healthy and will fill you up! Hope this helps :)


    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • AmyBeth719
    AmyBeth719 Posts: 184 Member
    Congrats on the job!!

    I have a job where I sit all day and it drives me nuts. Plus, the temptation of office snacks is horrible.

    As far as food goes I pack a lunch 4 out of the 5 work days. I allow myself to eat out once a week, however, I don't eat fast food so it is normally a coney island salad and soup or middle eastern food. When I bring my lunch it is mostly veggies and fruit and so are my snacks. Snacking is one of the hardest things for me because if I get bored I want to eat.

    Exercise...I like to do little things at work. I had a semi private bathroom and I did squats every time I went to the bathroom. Plus I make it a point to get up and walk twice (other then my lunch time) to stretch my legs and get some exercise.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    I've worked at a desk job for 2 years now and my weight loss is going smoothly.

    I take in about 1500 calories a day (I'm a 5'7" lady) and hit the gym 3-4 times a week. When I'm at work, I try to get up and stretch my legs every hour or two, and I drink lots of water at my desk. When I go to the bathroom, sometimes I'll take the bigger stall and do 15-20 squats if no one else is around LOL. I also jog up and down 4 flights of stairs. It's not much, but it's enough to keep my legs awake.
  • Amy106Days
    Amy106Days Posts: 172 Member
    Use the farthest restroom and trash can from your desk. The trash can down the hall idea has helped me conserve paper as well. Try to stand for 10 minutes of every hour. I try to take phone calls standing and have moved my phone so it is just in reach of my computer screen but not a comfortable fit. And peruse any printed reports while standing instead of shlumping over them at my desk. Everyones advice so far is right on the money. Congrats on the new job!!
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    I've also got a typical 8-5 desk job.

    Definitely bring a water bottle and try to sip on it all day - this also gives you the excuse to get up and refill every so often. And I HAVE to bring my own snacks or else I will give in to whatever my co-workers bring in (donuts on Mondays, breakfast burritos every so often, lunch out etc).

    I workout before work, get in and right away have a yogurt, then have a snack at 10am, lunch at 12, another snack at 3. Having those planned snacks really helps me resist other temptations!

    And if you do have a whole hour for lunch, you can go walk around at a nearby park or something.