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  • 86_Ohms
    86_Ohms Posts: 253 Member
    I added to my post above but I'll reiterate again -- only do cardio if you plan to still get to your net calorie goal of the day.

    If you go over your amount, you can exercise down to what's needed. If you always find yourself level with your goal, don't exercise vital calories away that your organs need to function properly or you'll plateu very quickly.

    Working out those muscles really helps boost your anabolic and metabolic responses during the day as they repair. If you're not eating enough calories, you'll start a catabolic response and take tissue away from your muscles for energy. You can bring your concerns up to your Crossfit trainer and hopefully they have a tailored workout they can direct you on.

    Fats from coconut oil, olive oil, avacado oil are awesome if you mix it into your meals during the day. High good fats, low carbs, and a controllable amount of calories.
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    I personally think you look great. Are you taking regular measurements? Your body might be changing in other ways. Also, I have many friends that do Crossfit and they have access to nutritionalist at their gym.
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    I calculated it. You should be eating about 1525 calories daily, eating back some (if you want to) of your exercise calories. You don't need to ALWAYS eat back your exercise calories, in fact, it is sometimes good not to, but sometimes you can.

    And I'm in the same place, trying to find higher calorie foods that are still healthy to get up to my goal. But you can, if it fits into your goal, have SOME non-fruit sugary things daily. Not, like, a donut, a thing of soda AND candy, but one of those is fine as long as it fits into your goals.

    How did you calculate this?? OP's BMR is just over 1400 and works out several hours a week. I would guess your TDEE is closer to 2200. With a 20% deficit, you should be closer to eating 1800 calories a day.

    OP - you may want to read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/937709-in-place-of-a-road-map-ver-3-0

    I didn't DO a 20% deficit. I did a 15% decrease from a sedentary TDEE, with her eating some, if not all, of her exercise calories back.