Had any compliments lately?

I was just wondering if anyone out there have had any compliments thrown their way? I have had a few and I don't know how to handle them. It's like I want someone to notice, but when they compliment me I really don't know what to say. It's just my character, I know. I had a rough childhood and not many compliments along the way...but that's the past. I try not to analyze myself like this and I would love to be able to accept compliments without getting embarrassed.

Also, it does seem that when I start getting compliments, my mind says, "Ok, you've done well. You can start eating again."

Me thinks the woman needs a shrink!!!

And, how many of you get compliments from your female friends? Mine are few and far between. Is it a "woman" thing? (Except for MFP, of course!!!)



  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    My husband compliments me all the time, and so does my family. They are very supportive and are my biggest cheerleaders.

    I got a compliment on Private Message the day before yesterday on here from someone I had never spoken to before. I thanked them with a smile.

    Compliments are wonderful. You should accept them and smile because you are worthy of them!

    P.S. You have a beautiful smile! :heart:
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    A coworker who I've never spoken with asked for training advice this morning. Also this morning a friend texted me telling me she missed my calming and reassuring voice lol
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    Kinda backhanded compliments from the GF but things like

    Your arms are not as comfortable, or your chest isnt as squishie.

    Its a complaint but damn does it feel good.
  • ileen327
    ileen327 Posts: 21
    People aren't really noticing yet as I have not lost as much as you! Except one friend said my shirt was too big!
    It barely fit last year so didn't wear it much, so now i am wearing it!!!
    I also hear from friends your face is thinner! Great lost 15 pds in my face!!!
    Yep,just smile and say thank you and you look good too ! ( even if they don't everyone wants to feel good about themselves! hugs! Deb
  • prettyeyez55
    prettyeyez55 Posts: 45 Member
    I was told by a coworker that hadnt seen me for a week that I look like I am melting away! I guess that is good! and my husband whom i am seperated from told me i look like i am staving myself..... hmmm i guess i can take those as compliments!!!