How much weight can I lose by like june

So lets say i eat a sandwich everyday consisting of a croissant, ham, cheese, tomato and some mayo.. and like a 100-200 calorie snack at like 11:30 at night everyday.. Will i still lose weight eating that late? I work and i dont get out til then and i can't be eating b4 hand cause i have a weak stomach. I do workout before work usually everyday on insanity and soon to be p90x too. Taking Jack3d for my workouts, which for some reason works at making me not hungry all day. I have lost like 8pds in 2 weeks.. but then i started hitting the junk food lol.. but i'm not gonna do that anymove, haven't gained any weight though. Have about 24 pds to lose. any thoughts?


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    It doesn't matter when you eat. What matter is how much you eat, and that you create a caloric deficit each day.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Eating 1 sandwich a day and a 200 calorie snack.. all day... then doing Insanity and P90x?? Stop taking Jack3d and start eating.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Eating 1 sandwich a day and a 200 calorie snack.. all day... then doing Insanity and P90x?? Stop taking Jack3d and start eating.

    Oh, and this, if that's really all you're eating, then binging on junk. Focus on a better diet overall.
  • tonybalony01
    tonybalony01 Posts: 613 Member
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I don't know how much weight you might lose. You can probably lose some fat. Hopefully, you'll gain some muscle. Perhaps you'll be wearing lighter shoes and have a shorter hairstyle (Just kidding).

    The time you eat - if you were a rat in a cage then we could show a minute difference between you and the next rat in a cage who ate all their calories earlier. Maybe. In real life, if you eat under your calorie allowance each week, then you will lose fat.

    My advice is to focus less on a particular weight in a particular time frame and focus more on doing things that will make you fitter and healthier - and that work for you so you'll keep doing it after reaching your goals.
  • courtney2400
    Eating 1 sandwich a day and a 200 calorie snack.. all day... then doing Insanity and P90x?? Stop taking Jack3d and start eating.

    no its doing the workouts/going to work for 8 hours then at 11pm eating.
  • courtney2400
    Eating 1 sandwich a day and a 200 calorie snack.. all day... then doing Insanity and P90x?? Stop taking Jack3d and start eating.

    Oh, and this, if that's really all you're eating, then binging on junk. Focus on a better diet overall.

    I dont binge on junk.. i have candy bar here or there when i crave it i didn't gain anything from it.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    You could lose a ton of weight dong that. You could also put yourself in the hospital doing it. Doing those workouts and eating that little would be the same as not eating anything from now until June. Is losing 24 lbs worth risking your health? You could eat super healthy and nutritious and actually have the energy to do P90x between now and June and lose 1-2 lbs a week.

    Edited to fix typo.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    Eating 1 sandwich a day and a 200 calorie snack.. all day... then doing Insanity and P90x?? Stop taking Jack3d and start eating.

    i was gonna ask if this thread was even is this a joke? a sandwich and a snack do not a healthy daily diet make.
  • donna1432
    donna1432 Posts: 87 Member
    your body goes into starvation mode of you dont fuel it, you must eat at least five times a day breakfast 2 hrs later snack (healthy) lunch, 2 hrs later snack (healthy) then dinner, nothing more but water after 7:00 pm... count your calories as best as you can and watch your sodium.. Im having a fitness challenge message me for deets
  • courtney2400
    You could lose a ton of weight dong that. You could also put yourself in the hospital doing it. Doing those workouts and eating that little would be the same as not eating anything from now until June. Is losing 24 lbs worth risking your health? You could eat super healthy and nutritious and actually have the energy to do P90x between now and June and lose 1-2 lbs a week.

    Edited to fix typo.

    I'll be eating normal on my days off. 2days a week.. I have the energy to do my workouts using the jack3d. Sometimes if I feel sick after workout il make a fruit smoothie and then I'll be fine.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I think you need to talk to a professional that deals with eating disorders and get some help.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    This is a very bad idea and very unhealthy.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I think you need to talk to a professional that deals with eating disorders and get some help.

    ^^^^This. If you currently do not have an eating disorder you are on the road to one with the plan you have going.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    I think you need to talk to a professional that deals with eating disorders and get some help.

    Just in case you havent seen this yet.
  • Paco4gsc
    Paco4gsc Posts: 119 Member
    Googled Jack3d to see what it was, and it doesn't bode well that this is the first news article that popped up:

    And here's the second:

    Probably a good idea to quit using that stuff immediately.
  • courtney2400
    How do I delete this post? all your responses are so annoying for real?
  • courtney2400
    Googled Jack3d to see what it was, and it doesn't bode well that this is the first news article that popped up:

    And here's the second:

    Probably a good idea to quit using that stuff immediately.

    You could research anything and I'm sure people have died from something.. I am on my third tub of jack3d and im doing just fine. The people that died from it probably took more then the recommended dose
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    How do I delete this post? all your responses are so annoying for real?

    Why...because no one supports your pro-anorexic plan? This is My Fitness Pal...not My ED Pal.

    You need to talk to a professional.
  • courtney2400
    How do I delete this post? all your responses are so annoying for real?

    Why...because no one supports your pro-anorexic plan? This is My Fitness Pal...not My ED Pal.

    You need to talk to a professional.

    How is that friggin anerexic ****.. LIke WTF you people are crazy. I cant effin eat b4 work wtf dont you people understand. Sure if i was retired I could eat normal and **** but I am not! anerexics usually dont eat at all, and throw up and **** which i am eating a sandwich. geez the sandwich could be 400 cals for all i know. I am not starving myself. I am not weak. I do workout? like seriously