Weekends are tuff!!!

Kelseykim Posts: 19
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey girls, I just want to vent a little, I have been doing really good on sticking to my diet and exercise plan but now that the weather is better, we spend more time with family and friends, so on the weekends for the past two weekends I have blown my diet. The first weekend my husband and I went to Red Lobster for dinner, ( I did good I only ate half of my dinner), the we went out for a few drinks with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, three drinks cost me 822 calories. Then we went to Dennys for breakfast. I was not hungry, but I am a social eater and I can not watch everyone else eat, so naturally I joined in. Then Sunday I went to a wedding shower. I ate moderately stayed away from the cake, but still had the fruit pizza and a chocolate covered strawberry, then came home and cooked dinner for the family. This weekend was a killer. Friday we went to our cabin on the lake with some family members and really blew the diet on about 3070 calories on Saturday. That is tuff when you are only suppose to have 1290 calories a day. Summer is coming so It is going to be a long hard battle, as the weather gets warmer the more weekends we spend at the lake. Dreading the fourth of July we are having a big family get together for four or five days at the lake (looking forward to spending time with the family) but being a social eater and drinker I am afraid for my diet.:smooched:


  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    I know how you feel. There is a lot more bbqing going on now that it is warm out. I love this time of the year, but it is harder to stay within the limit. One thing to keep in mind is that the weather is getting nicer, which means you can do more outdoor exercising. There are more options since it is warmer. Even just going for walks is easier than when it is snowy. So, try adding that into those weekends at the cabin and such. It may not burn the most calories, but it is a chance to enjoy the weather and the summery events.
  • BbNuke
    BbNuke Posts: 82 Member
    When I know I have an occasion coming up that might endanger sticking to my plan, I try to eat lighter the days before the event and afterwards too. Even better - since you are going to be somehwere outdoors & with lots of family/friends, why not make exercise part of the festivites? Challange others to races, going for walks, swimming, playing ball...?? Also, why not plan to bring some special low cal foods that you can eat while others are indulging? It's hard I know when you are a social eater, but just keep your goals in mind - You'll feel so proud of yourself!
  • Kelseykim
    Kelseykim Posts: 19
    Thanks guys for your tips and support, I really appreciate it. I will try to implement your tips so I will be ready for the 4th
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