Need more support from fb friends!

So I have nothing but close friends and family on my fb. An well I go on there more then I am on here in a day. But I do log on here everyday. My family is not so supportive with my new found life style. It is hard for me to try talk about the things I love to talk about like new healthy foods new exercises etc. So I am a almost 23 year old single mother looking for new and supportive fb friends!
Thank you for reading!!

Oh almost forgot my fb is:


  • Hi, do what you like and what makes u feel better. Don't listen to others if they have negative remarks. :)
  • Shauncho49
    Shauncho49 Posts: 132 Member
    First, I understand your problem and that really sucks that it seems they don't support you. However as long as they're not bad-mouthing your interests or have tried to convince you that it's not important, then just chalk it up to lack in interest and try not to let it hurt your feelings or motivation.

    The problem with FB is that there are MANY reasons people are there, and they aren't all fitness-minded. I'd just say spend more time here on MFP. Plenty of supportive people who love talking about all the same things you're currently focused on. And you'll be certain to hear about new healthy foods and new exercises here on MFP first!
  • ashleymcn01
    ashleymcn01 Posts: 108 Member
    There is an awesome support group founded by one of our own MFP friends, and I've just sent her a message to send you an invite to join. We are over 400 members strong, and support each other on a daily basis on FB.

    But as Shauncho49 said, MFP is the BEST place for support. Keep the 2 worlds separate and we will do everything we can for you!!