no time to take care of myself. help!



  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Aww don't feel bad. You're doing a great job with not a lot of help at home! You know what, sometimes things slip. I hardly ever clean up after dinner beyond taking the dishes to the kitchen counter and wiping them down. Dishes can wait until I have time. And do you know how many times I've left laundry in the dryer? Lol. Don't worry nobody's perfect!
  • mollyhediger
    I do chalean extreme.. its absolutely amazing! it combines weights and cardio and the longest workout is 45 min. I have seen awesome results from just doing this program. I went from walking on the tmill 7 days a weeks for an hour and fifteen minutes to these chalean workouts which is structured for 5 days a week but i do add in an extra day of cardio with the turbo jam workout that is on one of the dvds with the set. I didnt see any results from the tmill but now i am building muscle and getting nice and lean.. and spending alot less time working out which is a huge plus for me beczuse i also have 2 children and work.. good luck!
  • spacemuffins
    I am completely shocked (I am new to MFP so this is probably why) at how rude people are, and judgment coming from other mothers who should understand. You are BUSY and not finding time to exercise right now is valid, especially with a new schedule. You wanted advice and mostly what I see is people belittling you for not having found time to do workouts. Everyone is different and personally in your shoes I would be struggling too.
    I don't currently work and still struggle to get things done but looking at my schedule someone might say oh look here's an hour free why don't you work out during that time.... what they can't see is that I have an 8 month old who is teething and cries when I put him down. But this about your problem not me. I would be tempted to suggest whether it is possible to cut out some of the car travel and walk sometimes for some journeys? I am a city girl and not a car owner so perhaps this is ridiculous advice, as I am used to being able to walk everywhere I need being in a several-mile radius. But if you could save petrol money and traffic time and do more walking, that's a good workout int! Also maybe try and talk to your boyfriend about how you feel... I had to really explain to mine how I felt that doing Yoga (which I've actually been neglecting after making such a fuss!) was my only "me" time and if we could please have an allotted time in the evening, or agree that I had an hour slot whenever I wanted where he would take over everything and I could do a workout/ yoga session.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    Why not wait to take the daughter to daycare when you go to work?
    Leave-Come back-Leave seems like nonsense to me and a waste of time.
    You have time to pay bills but not eat??
    Sorry bills can be done some other time and not need to be done daily.
    I was a single working mom with 5 you are going in circles and need better time management.

    Not necessarily bills, but right now i've been doing my boyfriends taxes. He's self employed, but has a boss who pays him for his work. it is quite complicated. Losts of deductions i can do, I'm trying to get things in order. you're doing his taxes but he gets upset when you ask him to help out more or clean up after himself? Have you tried talking to him about supporting you so that you less stressed, healthier, and happier overall? Maybe even if it's just a day or two per week.

    Well I don't have children but I did grow up in a house with a mom (and dad) that worked full-time with mom also in school and 5 kids.

    Scheduling, planning with times and durations listed helped my mom the most. Weekends or days when my mom didn't have work or/and school were prep days for shopping, cleaning, errands so that days with work, school, after school sports (super active kids!), etc flowed freely. She planned meals weekly and prepped on weekends so that she could make a dinner to feed 7 in less than 30 minutes. After dinner was homework and baths - we were in bed (to sleep or read a little before going to sleep) by 8/8:30 all the way up to high school.

    Can you make a list of the things that need to be done daily, consolidate (like leaving to drop your daughter off at day care only to come back home and then leave out for work), allot how much time you think you need and go from there? It may seem silly but my mom had an agenda and list for each day (on paper) and she followed it. That structure helped her greatly and it allowed my dad to jump in and help whenever she needed (except cooking - that man cannot cook to save his life).
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    I remember when my girls were babies (22 mos. apart). There were times that I felt like I was going to lose it. If the baby wasn't waking up every two hours, the toddler was. But, they are 7 and 9 now and while its still challenging, at least I'm getting enough sleep now to think a little more clearly.

    I think you've gotten a lot of good advice here. Probably the best thing you can do is work on your time management and getting to bed at a decent time. Once you've done that, you'll be able to get up earlier and fit your workouts in before. It's so much better to get it done in the morning and not feel like you have this obligation hanging over you in the evening.

    Anyway, yes, it does get better. It's still challenging, but still better. And, believe it or not, you'll find yourself longing for those baby days.<3
  • JessicaN1979
    JessicaN1979 Posts: 142 Member
    I used to be a person who said I just don't have time, but that was when I was making excuses. Now I just make the time and while I sometimes have to force myself to go, I sure feel better afterwards. I workout 4-5 times a week.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member

    If you have a stroller for your one year old you could go for a walk together.

    I also started freezer cooking on weekends. A few hours work and I end up with a weeks worth of dinners. I just have to remember to take something out of the freezer and put it in the fridge the day before.
  • kitticatnicole
    I like the sound of that! weeks worth WOW. & thank-you everyone. I have a hard time selecting tasks & putting them in order for myself. I really wonder if i have ADD or not. It's really nice to have suggestions given in a non-condescending manner. I will absolutely refer to this thread in the next few weeks.
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    in the evening i would feed the baby, then bath time, then play with blocks or read her book until she gets sleepy. Can't your boyfriend fix his own plate of food? are you paying bills everyday? and you can not take phone calls for an hour to free up your time.
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    Well, I do agree with everyone saying that you have to MAKE the time. You really do. I am a single mom to a 4 year old and 3 year old, I work 50+ hours a week (I get off at midnight and dont get home til 1 am from the sitter) plus school part time. I have to clean the house, do the laundry, prepare the food, and get 3 people ready every. single. day. It isnt fun. it takes a lot of time. I have virtually no time to do all the fun things I want to do. I never "had the time" to workout until I MADE the time!

    The three things I did to start making more workout time were this:

    1, i started working out on my lunch break, and it is the best hour of my day! (I understand you dont have a lunch break, but I am just telling you for once you start working full time in the assistant manager job.) Even with eating lunch, you can get in a few minutes of activity.)

    2. I turn as many things as I can into "exercise" with my little ones. They LOVE TO SEE MY EXERCISE! It gets them so excited. We dance together, do p90x together, wii fit together, Jillian Micheals workouts together, I make up obstacle courses, whatever to keep us all moving. Even if not everyday, some of your "block/reading" time could be spend doing PHYSICAL activites. Your child will have fun, trust me! (Use your baby as a weight, mine loved that :laugh: ) Mine also enjoy yoga, especially my youngest she has loved it since about 1 1/2 yrs. old.

    3. any time I have a few minutes, I do jumping jacks, squats, lunges whatever instead of just standing around.

    ETA: Also, there is a humor factor in exercising with your kids, seeing them do their versions of the movements is sooo awesome! :flowerforyou: