What are YOUR summer goals?!

workoutqueen628 Posts: 220
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Mine are to continue to eat healthy and not overindulge, since when summer comes it's easy to think you're "on vacation" and can eating whatever, whenever you want. I also plan to step up my running a notch and get some miles in this summer and beat the heat!! I hope to run a 10k!! I also haven't had enough time to do strength training in a while, so that will def. be incorporated into my routine. Finally, I hope to motivate my sister to get back to exercising!


  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Cut back DRASTICALLY on alcohol (I manage to drink less in summer because I'm much more active)

    Get Abs! after 50 lbs lost in 5 years, I need to get a handle on my stomach! I have about 5 more lbs of Fat around my stomach to fight, then work on the abs, I am on a beach every weekend in summer (watch ing my bf play volleyball) Last summer I was so close! This summer, I will have abs!

    Any tips on how to get em ? I run 30 minutes in the morning, after work play tennis, softball or bike ride, and train with a personal trainer 2 days a week ... I'm thinking diet?!
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    My summer goal is not to become complacent again. I have two beach trips coming up and while I love to lay on the beach, I need to stay active. Also, I have a half marathon coming up in the fall so I hope to continue my running: I wanna be up to 4 miles by the middle of June and so on.

    I also want to be able to take advantage of all the local produce farmers around my area. We do have a lot and I need to really take advantage of the spring/summer fruits and veggies to keep me on track (and budget friendly).
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    My summer (my busyest working time) goals:

    1. Stay on target with my Cal intake
    2. Get to 140 lbs (about 12-14 lbs to go)
    3. Bump up my biking and take advantage of the time outside
    4. Add some strength training into my exercising plan.

    Lastly, get some new clothes that fit!!
  • dragonfly__
    dragonfly__ Posts: 172 Member
    1. to work in two more days of activity a week
    2. to start the yoga classes I signed up for and then have yet to go to
    3. To show up at the beach looking smokin' hot! :tongue:
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    1. increase the time I spend on the bike to get ready for a fall bike tour
    2. start running for a 5K I promised a friend I would do with her (why oh why???) in August
    3. do 20 pushups in a row
    4. do 3 pullups in a row
    5. tone up my mid section with Jillian Michaels workouts so I can wear a dress without feeling self conscious about my spare tire for my SIL's wedding (the last dress I wore was my wedding dress a long time ago).
    6. graduate from basic figure skating classes to free style classes
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