carbohydrate Tolerance: Frontline Fat Loss

Day 1: Priming Phase
AM: 30 minutes of HIIT followed by 15 minutes of low intensity jogging/walking
PM: Resistance training session
Carbohydrate intake: extremely low
Day 2-5: Fat Loss Phase
AM: 30 minutes of HIIT followed by 15 minutes of low intensity jogging/walking
PM: Resistance training session
Carbohydrate intake: low
Day 6-7: Refeed
Resistance training only
Carbohydrate intake: high

This is the breakdown of the diet plan. I am a 5'8' 175 lb 25 year old and want to know what an accurate low carb and high carb day would be. I am currently at 16.9% bf and looking to drop lower I am taking in 1900 cals (220 g/protein, 119g/c, 75g/fats) I was looking to see if anyone had done this nutrition plan and for my current macros and stats what would be considered high and low carb. I currently do resistance training 5 days/w and cardio pw 4 days per week usually 30 mins. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.