What workout is best for a skinny-fat?

casy84 Posts: 290 Member

After one year of just dieting I went a bit too far: 5'9/120(1.75/55). I thought that by loosing those last few pounds I would finally be happy with myself, but now I realise that I was wrong and I should stop.

Please don't judge me too hard, I know I went over board and I was on my way to developing an ED.
Now I've been upping my calories, but I must also start working out because that's the only way I can get rid of my not so sexy skinny fat look. I am pretty good at dieting because I didn't do extreme things to get to this weight, but when it comes to working out I'm pretty much clueless.

What kind of workout do you guys recommend for this problem?
Thank you.


  • JessicaDumont2
    JessicaDumont2 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm the same way, I would love to see people's responses. :)
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Weight/strength training is great.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    It's great you figured it out now :)

    I would talk to a doctor about it, honestly, to decide on a healthy goal weight, and add a few hundred calories a week, to get used to it, and to see how much exercise, if any, is safe for you until then.

    When you have confirmation it's medically safe for you to exercise and you have gained however much weight you agree with your doc, stay at maintenance calories (TDEE) and do strength training.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Do you have access to a gym?
  • kazmurphblin
    kazmurphblin Posts: 114 Member
    you need to use weights to increase your muscle and fill out your skinny fat you will also increase your weight by this because muscle is heavier and you will need more calories to sustain it so you will gain but you will still be slim. Now is the time to tone up!!

    Try some yoga or pilates great fro toning .x
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I dieted my way to skinny fat a couple of years ago as well. I cut way back on the cardio (I currently do it just twice a week) and I added a heavy weight lifting program into my regime. I started eating more calories as well, but always still in a deficit. I was in a plateau, but I recently broke through it the past couple of weeks by shrinking the deficit even more.

    All in all, I used cardio and dieting to get down to 128 pounds and mid to high 20's body fat. I added weight lifting and reduced cardio to get the body fat back down. I weigh 138 today, but still wear the same clothes I did when I was 128. I am 22% body fat now and falling.
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    Thanks for the good advice. I'll join a gym in May after my vacation and keep on eating. I think I should also start tracking my measurements so I won't freak out when I'll gain.