New third shifter to MFP

I have been working third shift for almost two years now. I work 4 ten hour shifts, Mon-Thurs every week. I never have trouble sleeping during the day and as of the last month, wake up around 4 pm to go to the gym and do about 30 mins of cardio and 30 mins of strength. I'm also on my feet almost all night at work walking and picking up big *kitten* dogs that don't/can't walk. (I'm an ER Vet Tech.)

I've gained about 20 pounds in the last few months and nothing has changed as far as eating habits or schedule. I've had my thyroid and everything checked, so that's not the problem. That's why I've started working out.

Although my diet has always been pretty healthy, I've noticed my portions are a little on the large side and I believe I need to eat more often as well as have more protein in my diet (per MFP.) I tend to lean more towards vegetarian but occasionally have chicken or fish. I haven't eaten fast food since I've noticed my weight jumped up...although I didn't eat it that often before. I've cut out sweet tea almost completely from my days (the hardest thing ever!!) I will occasionally drink Gold Peak Diet Tea (which has zero everything) and down about 8 bottles or so of water a day...sometimes more.

I'd like to lose the 20 I gained and then maybe a little extra. I've noticed my body change a little since I've been going to the gym, but the scale hasn't moved at all. It's really discouraging!!! I know this is going to be a long and hard road since I'm a third shifter but hopefully MFP will be able to lead me in the right direction and help me stay on track.

Would love any feedback!


  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Hi! I also work overnights.

    FOOD SCALE! Buy one and use it. Don't depend on measuring cups and spoons. I weigh all of my food and it's a huge eye opener about portion size. I really thought I was good at eyeballing food, I wasn't. A food scale got me out of a year and a half plateau.

    Also, I'm a pescetarian and I make protein a priority. If you'd like ideas you are welcome to look at my diary, it's always open.
  • Textmessage
    Textmessage Posts: 387 Member
    I second the food scale idea.

    Also, you say that you notice change in body composition - maybe you notice a change in how your clothes fit? If so, don't worry about the scale. If you don't lose any weight and have lost inches, that's progress in itself.
  • jk262
    jk262 Posts: 1,597 Member
    First off- check out official Night Shift Thread- we all work thirds for the most part- Excellent group of people! Secondly- I personally think that it has a lot to do with my cortisol levels and enough sleep. I don't get nearly enough sleep, and your cortisol is regulated by circadian rhythms, etc. We're supposed to sleep at night. However, with that being said, I'm still trying to eat clean/workout. and there's a bunch of people on thirds that have lost weight nonetheless. It's been long and hard for me, I've tried a lot of different stuff, but I just have to believe that in the long run, this will work and itll all be worth it. Keep it up! It's a marathon not a sprint :) Best of luck!
  • jk262
    jk262 Posts: 1,597 Member
    food scale is awesome! I third that idea! I cook on Sunday for the most part then portion it out and take containers to work for the week.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Also, here is my usual copy/paste for newbies coming to MFP and working overnights. Maybe you'll find it helpful.

    I work 8:30pm-8:30am. 24 hours is 24 hours no matter how you look at it. I have my food diary split up into time segments and Iog my food into the time slot that I ate it, being sure to not go over my goal for the 24 hour time period. I bring all of my food to work with me and pre-log everything so there's usually little variance. If it doesn't fit in my budget, I (99% of the time) don't eat it. On my overnights, 4p-8p is when I am on my way to work. I usually have a protein bar to prevent me from eating stupid things. Then I eat my breakfast before clocking in. Around midnight or so I eat a meal and I eat another one closer to morning so I'm rarely truely hungry.


    Or whatever works for you. No need to complicate it. My diary is always open if you think it may help.

    I also work part time during the day, so I just log my food in whatever time slot it fits in.
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    I also work third shift, and it is hard because I think your body's chemicals get all out of whack, but losing weight can be done. I log from midnight to midnight, so for my first break at 11:30, I chart for dinner, and for "breakfast", I usually log in what I had on my second break. Whatever works for you. Just stick with it, and eat sensibly. Sometimes, the scale might not change a whole lot because you're replacing that fat with muscle if you are doing a lot of strenght training. It will take time, and go by how your pants fit, and not always the number on the scale.
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    you've got some good ideas. I have also pre-logged things before, and I used to do that when I did weight watchers. That way, there's no guessing, you know what calories you have "left".