Bored with 30 Day Shred...

I am currently on L2D6, and I am so bored. For those of you that have completed the program, how did you get through it without being bored? Did you do the video everyday or mix it in with other activities?


  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    I have been doing it over and over but never finishing! but I get bored with it also and I dont like to listen to her talk and explain. I wish she would just point out the exerciseds and let you go. but to get through it i just turn on my music and be thankful you can see results quick, which makes me want to continue to do it!
  • I didn't like L2 at all. 30DS isn't my favorite of her workouts but I am enjoying L3.
  • I am currently on L2D6, and I am so bored.

    Yup that was me, and caused me to quit the program!! 2nd time round i stuck my ipod on or some decent music hen i got used to the routine, i think it's her voice that does it for me it makes me sleepy lol!
  • adaluc
    adaluc Posts: 14 Member
    Level 3 is more interesting. I hated level 2. If you want to try something different next month her Ripped in 30 video moves faster and has 4 levels, so boredom doesn't come as quickly. Good Luck!
  • FitMrsR
    FitMrsR Posts: 226 Member
    L3 is much better than L2. I nearly quit because L2 was so boring. Just stick it out and you never have to do it again lol get something better like p90x :)
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Try something more intense maybe? I mean 30DS isn't all that. It's a beginner workout meant to get people off the couch and started exercising.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    L2 stinks! I did other activities along with 30DS and got through it. Now I have 8 of her DVDs and I rotate them and it helps a lot with the boredom (along with ballet classes, running outside, and lifting at the gym). Mixing it up is key!
  • agree Level 2 was boring. and i do get tired of listening to her,, just put on your playlist and turn your tv volume down! and just keep thinking i only have "x" amount of days left
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I am currently on L2D6, and I am so bored. For those of you that have completed the program, how did you get through it without being bored? Did you do the video everyday or mix it in with other activities?

    *bump* watching this thread with interest, as I've not even gotten past level 1 because of sheer boredom
  • ganzelly
    ganzelly Posts: 302 Member
    I did 30DS for a while but always mixed it up with other workouts, doing the same thing over and over is boring and it helps to mix in other workouts targeting different areas or just doing other total body workouts. if you are bored you will be more tempted to quit and that's not good. Try something else too.
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    For the 30ds are you supposed to do just this exercise during the day or can you still like eliptical and treadmill?
  • Mimoki
    Mimoki Posts: 115 Member
    I've been on level 2 for like 20 days lol. I just move up when I feel I have all the moves down and I am not winded. I just mute her or put her low and put on a playlist. Its only 20 minutes and I don't have many choices in other exercises. Internet connection is slow out here so downloading some is hard plus its hardly like there's a target or walmart around that I can go buy more videos lol!
  • LoveCR22
    LoveCR22 Posts: 75 Member
    I've tried doing it twice, First time quit in level 2 and last time couldn't even force myself to finish level one even on mute with music on just too repetitive and boring even for just 10 days. Switched to a couple different video workouts which works better for me.
    I know a lot of people here love the 30 DS but for me it isn't anything special, same basic moves you will find in almost any home workout video.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    I have been doing it over and over but never finishing! but I get bored with it also and I dont like to listen to her talk and explain. I wish she would just point out the exerciseds and let you go. but to get through it i just turn on my music and be thankful you can see results quick, which makes me want to continue to do it!

    Oh god, thank you! Yes, her commentary is so awful. And I know it by heart. There's a train that runs nearby my house and I'm always grateful when it drowns out her blabbering.

    But I like the routine. I've only only done level 1 so far. I've not become stronger enough yet to go to the next level. As for boredom, just do it. All exercise is pretty boring.
  • m76b
    m76b Posts: 1,498 Member
    I can never finish the program becouse i have the same problem... try to find something more fun!! Im doing insanity now, hard but great results so far... or zumba! ist fun and burn a lot!!
  • fitbugfreak
    fitbugfreak Posts: 86 Member
    I mix my workouts with P90X, Insanity, 30DS, Rev Abs, 10 minute trainer. I just want to move every night and I do something different all the time so I don't get bored. Thinking of adding Les Mills Pump to my library of workout videos. I have a few more more not listed but they are the ones I am currently doing. Also do 5x5 Stronglifts just to keep up my strength.
    Just do whatever works for you - I can't do the same thing or I get bored.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    If you know the routine well enough, turn the volume down and put your own music on. Or just move to Level 3 - you're only 4 days away from the switch anyway.

    I've never done the program 30 days straight - I get bored way too easily. I'll do Level 1 or 2 every once in a while to switch up my workouts. Level 3 is a bit too high impact for me. If I'm going to do something that tough, I'd rather go for a run.

    For the person who asked about doing something else...I think that's fine, just make sure you're not overdoing it and you're eating back at least half of your exercise calories to fuel those workouts.