Hi, I'm new, and am desperately looking for some help...

Hi everybody,

I was wondering if any of you could help me lose some weight, because I feel like I am not getting anywhere.

I'll just share a little bit of information so you can get an idea on what I am doing currently and what I have done. I sorry I'd this is long!!! ????
When I was 15 I'd not eat up until late in the afternoon when I'd give in, and then for a couple months I only ate sugar free gum and tea (but I was still having sugar and milk in my tea) . Later that year I started purging even the small meals I'd eaten. To be honest I never ever lost weight, and if anything it just made me really really sad ...???? When I was 16 it continued but I stopped purging and just watched every calorie I ate, still not loosing weight at all. Last year I was constantly in 2 weeks of eating only 1 meal a day, then trying to eat 800 calories , then back to 1 meal a day, and somewhere in between it all, my only meal each day was coffee, and trail mix in the afternoons, still not loosing weight, and my periods stopped for a long time. I started eating a bit more and joined the gym but I felt horrible going, and I was eating same thing everyday and not increasing calorie intake, so I stopped going and now workout at home and I definitely enjoy it more.

I don't want to sound soppy and sad and like a lil kid but I feel like I went through so much rubbish to try loose weight and I never gained anything, it just made me scared to live and terrified of food. BUT here I am today trying to get better on my own and be happier. My period returned, It was fairly normal and scary to have back, but I need to get used to it! Plus I am eating a couple more foods I would've never touched a few months ago, like smoked salmon, figs. Raisins, yogurt, I've managed 1 banana and today I conquered 1/2 an avocado! I realize this is strange because I am in no way underweight, I am overweight actually, but my mind is that of a person terrified of every calorie.

I'm here , on this site, because I'm desperate for once and for all to lose this weight the healthy way, and hopefully get help and support because I really think I do need it and I know it will help me so much to have some help with everything and not feel like I'm on my own .

I still need to work out my height so I can get how many calories I need to be eating everyday , and I'm so confused with the calories you're supposed to be eating and how many you're supposed to burn off and how many calories you're sposed to be left with at the end of the day. I'm hoping to get some help with this here if any of you are able to maybe help me out or be a buddy.
I burn about 230 calories exercising most days and some days 320ish . I also do figure skating- only 2-3 times a week at the moment , I don't know how that might affect my calorie intake, but I'm just not sure on anything and I'd really like some help.

Thank you for reading this, I realize it was long!


  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I would talk to your doctor if you were eating so little and didn't lose weight. Have your thyroid checked at least.

    You might want to consult a nutritionist or dietician and have them come up with a nutritionally sound meal plan for you. An alternative is for you to join a plan that provides nutritionally sound meal, like eating well or (I think) Jenny Craig. At least for a little while until you are comfortable with eating correctly.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    As far as how much you should be eating on a daily basis, please read this simple post: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/952996-level-obstacles-lose-weight-target-fat-easy

    You're probably going to be surprised at how much you have to consume to lose weight. But you have seen first-hand that if you cut and cut and cut food, you actually don't lose anything.

    You also probably have a lot of damage to repair, so for the time being, start to eat like a healthy person, be extremely patient as your body attempts to repair the damage, and DON'T over-do the exercise.
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    Hi. If you have a lot of free time on your hands, you can spend it reading the thousands of posts on this site where people could not lose weight because they weren't eating enough. After increasing the calories, they begin to lose weight. For myself, I started on 1200 calories and lost a pound a week, but I was hungry all the time. Then I went to 1400 and still lost a pound a week, now I am eating 1400 - 1600 and still losing a pound a week. You have to find out what works for you, but I would strongly suggest you use the MFP and set it for 1 pound a week loss, and eat back 1/2 or your exercise calories. Good luck.
  • jadams1650
    jadams1650 Posts: 139 Member
    You really need to see your Doctor and discuss your eating patterns. Some of the stuff you cited doesn't seem entirely healthy. Be honest with him and he can likely provide some support and assistance.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    You're probably going to be surprised at how much you have to consume to lose weight. But you have seen first-hand that if you cut and cut and cut food, you actually don't lose anything.

    You also probably have a lot of damage to repair, so for the time being, start to eat like a healthy person, be extremely patient as your body attempts to repair the damage, and DON'T over-do the exercise.

    ^^^^ THIS and this again. You can do this.
  • Aidensmommy2010
    Aidensmommy2010 Posts: 8 Member
    When I first started trying to lose weight I had the mindset of "the less I eat, the more I will lose" well it never worked for me.... I got really frustrated and asked for help here on MFP... someone added me as a friend and gave me some AMAZING advice! She told me I needed to eat MORE! I only had to try it for a few days to notice that it was already working. I would suggest not eating any less than 1200 calories per day. Your body needs a certain amount of calories every day just to function, when you don't give your body the calories it needs, it starts storing fat which stops all weight loss efforts! If you go into your "goal" settings on here and type in your age, height, weight, and activity level, it will give you a suggested amount of calories for your body every day... I wouldn't recommend eating anything less than what it calculates for you.

    I hope you figure out what works for you! I know how frustrating it can be! Good luck! :)
  • Is there someone you can talk to face to face, because you have some heavy stuff to deal with around how you are going to manage eating and living with food, and it might be hard without someone who knows you to check in with. and like the others siad, your body needs to be able to recover from what has happened, but so too does your head.
  • holliwood97
    holliwood97 Posts: 138 Member
    As far as how much you should be eating on a daily basis, please read this simple post: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/952996-level-obstacles-lose-weight-target-fat-easy

    You're probably going to be surprised at how much you have to consume to lose weight. But you have seen first-hand that if you cut and cut and cut food, you actually don't lose anything.

    You also probably have a lot of damage to repair, so for the time being, start to eat like a healthy person, be extremely patient as your body attempts to repair the damage, and DON'T over-do the exercise.

    Highly recommend this!!! ^^^^^ you'll do very well
  • trumpkat80
    trumpkat80 Posts: 42 Member
    I've fallen victim to the same mindset. Finally learning that less is not always more. A simple equation is weight &12 equals cals needed. then round up. exp.... 150 lbs x 12 equals 1800 cals.