Ate like a pig!

Well, yesterday was Mother's Day, so I guess that's why I cheated so bad. I ate birthday cake and ice cream, a lemon square, and 4, yes 4, helpings of grape salad. Along with a bunch of potato salad, a hamburger, baked beans, chips, and veggies and dip. Then at about midnight I ate a bunch of cheezits and an ice cream bar(no sugar added, like it I'm back on the wagon more cheat days for me. I don't care what anyone says, eating is an addiction....and I am an addict!


  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    well all those items sound really yummy. We all should allow ourselves a cheat day. dont beat yourself up.
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    Eatting is good, its social entertainment, habbit, addiction, all of the above. We just have to learn to change our habits. Cheat days are good once in a while, I think everyone should treat themselves to those days.

    Good job on getting back on track today! And hope you had a great mothers day!
  • GRose
    GRose Posts: 69
    I love food too & didn't think I did too bad yesterday until I logged my ice cream treat... Yup. More than 1000 calories for the 3 scoops of Culver's Custard. I feel like such a fool. Have a great week!
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Well, yesterday was Mother's Day, so I guess that's why I cheated so bad. I ate birthday cake and ice cream, a lemon square, and 4, yes 4, helpings of grape salad. Along with a bunch of potato salad, a hamburger, baked beans, chips, and veggies and dip. Then at about midnight I ate a bunch of cheezits and an ice cream bar(no sugar added, like it I'm back on the wagon more cheat days for me. I don't care what anyone says, eating is an addiction....and I am an addict!

    Do you feel like crap today? When I go back to my old ways and eat junk food or a 1000 calorie meal I always feel terrible. I'm not talking about guilty, I'm talking sick as a dog. My body rebels to being mistreated now. When I consider a "cheat meal" I have to ask myself if it will taste good enough to feel crappy later. About 1/4 of the time the answer is yes.:laugh: I like a big steak or too much cheese once in a while and I'm willing to suffer for it.
  • ileitch
    ileitch Posts: 99
    Happy Mother's Day.
    Today I added an order of onion rings to my meal. Why, oh why?
    They were good though.
    Hang in there and good luck.:smile:
  • cfischer81
    cfischer81 Posts: 111 Member
    I had quite the day too! Between having a mother, a M-I-L and being a mother myself there was a HUGE brunch (with mimosa's) and a dinner out! And yes, guilt-wise and body-wise I do feel like crap today! We all have our days, right?
  • porkchopz
    porkchopz Posts: 77 Member
    Hey, just enjoy it! Go for a couple jogs, eat an otter pop for dessert and you'll be golden. Those calories will be a distant memory :)
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Well, yesterday was Mother's Day, so I guess that's why I cheated so bad. I ate birthday cake and ice cream, a lemon square, and 4, yes 4, helpings of grape salad. Along with a bunch of potato salad, a hamburger, baked beans, chips, and veggies and dip. Then at about midnight I ate a bunch of cheezits and an ice cream bar(no sugar added, like it I'm back on the wagon more cheat days for me. I don't care what anyone says, eating is an addiction....and I am an addict!

    Do you feel like crap today? When I go back to my old ways and eat junk food or a 1000 calorie meal I always feel terrible. I'm not talking about guilty, I'm talking sick as a dog. My body rebels to being mistreated now. When I consider a "cheat meal" I have to ask myself if it will taste good enough to feel crappy later. About 1/4 of the time the answer is yes.:laugh: I like a big steak or too much cheese once in a while and I'm willing to suffer for it.

    I feel sick after I have a cheat day now also. I keep doing it though! I was really bad Friday night, all Saturday, and All Sunday. I eat bad this morning also but I am trying to turn the day around now!
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    I ate terribly yesterday too, and felt awful today. I get a hung over feeling anymore when I eat alot of really bad stuff. Today has been a day of cleansing, I guess... oatmeal, fruit, salad, tofu... all things that will hopefully bring balance back to my poor body.
  • Lparault
    Lparault Posts: 100
    You are correct, there are foods to which we can be addicted. For a treat, I like an ice cream float with no sugar added ice cream, (no more than 2 scoops) and Mug diet rootbeer, it's really good and tastes just like the real thing. It's good enough to fool your brain into thinking you did eat the real thing. Next time the urge to cheat is overwhelming, try that.

    And don't beat yourself up. We all have our weak moments. The big thing is not to give up.

    You're doing great!

    And by the way, I ate a hamburger yesterday the size of my behind!!! :wink:
  • gpies
    gpies Posts: 56 Member
    Well, glad I'm not the only one that went against my better eating habits for the day. I too "indulged", but today am back at it. There are days that won't be perfect, but as long as the ball gets rolling again following the bad one, then so be it. Don't beat yourself up. Good stuff will still come with good eating habits the majority of the time.
  • feeny
    feeny Posts: 110 Member
    Well, yesterday was Mother's Day, so I guess that's why I cheated so bad. I ate birthday cake and ice cream, a lemon square, and 4, yes 4, helpings of grape salad. Along with a bunch of potato salad, a hamburger, baked beans, chips, and veggies and dip. Then at about midnight I ate a bunch of cheezits and an ice cream bar(no sugar added, like it I'm back on the wagon more cheat days for me. I don't care what anyone says, eating is an addiction....and I am an addict!

    Do you feel like crap today? When I go back to my old ways and eat junk food or a 1000 calorie meal I always feel terrible. I'm not talking about guilty, I'm talking sick as a dog. My body rebels to being mistreated now. When I consider a "cheat meal" I have to ask myself if it will taste good enough to feel crappy later. About 1/4 of the time the answer is yes.:laugh: I like a big steak or too much cheese once in a while and I'm willing to suffer for it.

    ugh same. I had a piece of the chocolate cake i bought my mom last night and even though it was within my calories it still made me feel nauseous after I was done.
  • mythicals
    mythicals Posts: 70
    Yesterday was probably one of my worst eating days ever. Haha.
    I'll be working on getting back on track this week. :smile:
  • raisinsoup
    raisinsoup Posts: 5
    Thanks to all for your encouragement!