How Do I Block Feeling HUNGRY ALL.THE. TIME???



  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    fiber and protein makes you feel full longer.... I like to have pysllium husk in a protein shake whenever im feeling hungry awesome apatite suppressant
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    How many calories burned from exercise?
  • Definitely drink!! 9 times out of 10 the first pangs of hunger are actually your body telling you to drink....Drown the hunger :drinker:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    drink whiskey,,,, or vodka,, LOTS
  • running_shoe
    running_shoe Posts: 180 Member
    How often do you eat? I eat every two to three hours, so I never really have that problem as I know my next meal or snack is right around the corner. But I agree with everyone higher fiber and protein and even occasional fat will help you feel fuller longer. Also, constantly drink water. Just have a bottle with you at all times.

    This is what I do. Not perfect, but better than trying to go for longer periods without some energy.
  • Drink more water, and keep plenty fruit handy. You can snack just make sure you are snacking healthy. Try the Special K snacks they are good and low in calorie.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    BUmp your intake up by a hundred or two and see what happens.

    My guess?

    You'll still lose weight and won't be as hungry.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    water water water....and press the "block" button ;) i drink a ton of water, and yes, while i'm still hungry, i'm not *as* hungry. also, your snacks should be fiber and nutrient-dense, as others have mentioned. i need to start bringing in veggies and hummus to work as my snack :)
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    If you are working out a lot, you may just need to drink more water - you might be misinterpreting thirst for hunger.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    "my metabolism has spiked" = you need a little more food.
  • DG82
    DG82 Posts: 105
    Ditto... I feel hungry a LOT too :-(
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    1. water
    2. protein
    3. whole foods
    4. bye bye processed foods
    5. learning that you don't need to feel bloated to be full - 75% is perfect.

    End of thread
  • laurainparis
    laurainparis Posts: 64 Member
    Didn't read all the responses, but mine is..."make peace with hunger". It means to accept that you will be hungry. You have days where you are more or less hungry, but you will be hungry, and it's ok to be hungry. You don't have to respond to the hunger. I think of those WW commercials from a few yrs ago with the little orange monster representing hunger, or I think of a whiny child trying to get your attention. Decide that you're going to ignore it, not respond to it, close the little red x in the upper right-hand corner of hunger's screen on your mind's computer. Think that hunger means your body will have to go into your fat stores to find nourishment and be happy that you're losing or maintaining weight, and then don't think about it.
    Easier said that done, but worth pondering.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    i preach this constantly !! WATER WATER WATER!!!

    you need WAY more in most cases than the "8 glasses" old rule !!

    here is how it works
    you need 8 oz for every 2lbs body weight
    so , your weight divided in 1/2
    THEN -20% due to the natural moisture in foods you eat, fruit , etc .
    then add 10 oz for every 30 minutes you exercise!

    so , for example
    ME :D
    Weight =281
    1/2 = 140.5
    subtract 20%=28.1 oz
    NET Total 112.4 oz daily thats 14 8 oz glasses
    if i dont bike or hit the treadmill or do a lot of walking ...
  • Elegra2006
    Elegra2006 Posts: 144 Member
    I have a cup of hot tea and also a big glass of water, by the time I've got through those (about 30 mins later) I feel really full and not interested in eating. I do this after my evening meal when still feeling a bit 'nibbly'.
  • cori_stampf
    cori_stampf Posts: 2 Member
    I vote for drinking too...I always make myself a cup of green tea or down 20 oz of water and then see if I still feel hungry. If I do and I have already eaten what I think I should for that point in the day, I will reach for a green pepper or a cucumber or some other vegetable to fill me up.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,046 Member
    BUmp your intake up by a hundred or two and see what happens.

    My guess?

    You'll still lose weight and won't be as hungry.

    This ^^
  • I find that when I am constantly hungry, this is the bodies way of telling you that you are not getting the proper vitamins and nutrients it needs to function. So even though you are eating, you are most likely not eating the right things or too many cooked foods and not enough raw foods like salads, fruits etc.. Buy a juicer and start juicing vegetables and fruits for breakfast. This will supply your body with a powerful injection of vitamins and it will curb that hunger. Every morning for breakfast I drink 16 oz of kale, beets, celery, apple, carrot, lemon. ginger juice 250 calories. I find that I feel less hungry through out the day and naturally eat less. For lunch I make 2 cups (before cooking it shrinks down) sauteed spinach in marinara sauce with chopped tomatoes, garlic and some form of protein, shrimp or chicken. It is low carb and low calorie but very filling! Dinner will be a homemade vegetable soup low sodium veggie or chicken broth. Low cal as well.
  • FlyEaglesGuy
    FlyEaglesGuy Posts: 436 Member
    I have a cup of hot tea and also a big glass of water, by the time I've got through those (about 30 mins later) I feel really full and not interested in eating. I do this after my evening meal when still feeling a bit 'nibbly'.

    Black coffee with a scoop of protein powder. The best of both worlds. The protein will keep you full and feed your muscles, and the coffee will keep you awake!
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    For me, if I am eating a reasonable amount but constantly feel hungry, it is a protein/carb imbalance. I had to play around with the macros to find a good level, but 90g of protein and less than 150g of carbs works best for me. If I let my carbs creep up to 200g and thus skimp on protein, I can almost guarantee a spiral of eating without being satisfied.