Little worried about trip

I will be out of the country for a week w/o my computer & my phone is very basic (no data plan) so I will not be tracking. I'm okay with not eating at a deficit for 6 day, but I really don't want to go over maintenance. I just hope I have learned enough to make the right choices while I am gone.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I will be out of the country for a week w/o my computer & my phone is very basic (no data plan) so I will not be tracking. I'm okay with not eating at a deficit for 6 day, but I really don't want to go over maintenance. I just hope I have learned enough to make the right choices while I am gone.

    How long have you been doing this? I learned pretty quickly what a serving of something looks like. Just practice portion control and intuitive eating...listen to your body Stick to your general dietary lifestyle and eat the same things you would at home...plenty of veg, fruit, lean protein, heart healthy fats, and you'll be fine. Don't let it be an excuse to run off the rails and you'll be all good.

    Have fun on your trip.
  • dearly4ever
    dearly4ever Posts: 61 Member
    Try stick to healthier options and stop eating when you are full. If you stick to the basics of how you do everything at home when you are tracking you should be good. Enjoy your trip!!!
  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    agreed, if you stick to smiliar food to what you trach and eat now, you will probably surprise yourself with how much better you are at these choices. I was in the same boat on the last 2 vacations (one was a CRUISE- free food available 24 hours lol), but did shockingly well.

    Also, if this a vacation that will have you exploring or doing tours, don't discount the calories burned that you normally wouldn't have burned at home in your normal home habits.

    On that same cruise I mentioned earlier, I did eat more, however I was also a LOT more active- didn't gain a pound in the end! :)

    Just don't let the food overtake the fun of being away from home! :)