Tastiest Made-up Recipes

Hi all,

This is my first post, so bear-with me! This morning I made-up a delicious breakfast off the top of my head, so it got me wondering what other recipes people have made from the random things in their fridge that turned out great.

Most mornings I try to avoid the sugary, highly processed cold cereal options. (The only cold cereal I've found that keeps me full is Uncle Sam cereal.) This morning, I had some eggs, salsa, pinto beans, onion, and mixed greens to use-up sitting in my fridge and not much else because it's a grocery shopping weekend. Luckily, I had a bit of inspiration.

My absolute favorite thing to do with eggs is get a pan with just a small amount of olive oil heated-up to medium heat (number 5 on my stove). Once the pan is hot, I crack an egg into the pan and set the timer for exactly 3 minutes. Once the 3 minutes is up, I flip the egg and set my timer again for 1 minute. Every time I get a perfect over-easy egg: half-runny, half solid yolk.

This morning, I got some diced onions heating right before I cracked my egg into the pan. While the egg was cooking, I added a 1/3 cup pinto beans and lightly salted/peppered my egg and beans. After I flipped my egg, I added a hand-full of mixed greens and two tablespoons of salsa during that last minute to wilt the greens just a little. Right before taking my egg off the pan, I put the wilted green and pinto bean mix onto my plate as a bed for the egg.

Everything turned out delicious! It was slightly spicy because I used a hotter salsa variety and that helped wake me up for the morning. The best thing about this recipe, though, is that I ate it at 7:30 AM and three hours later I'm still full and not even thinking about wanting lunch yet!

Does anybody else have good stories about made-up recipes? I'm especially interested in filling breakfast alternatives instead of cold cereal. :smile:


  • keg619
    keg619 Posts: 356 Member
  • i had chicken breast thawed out for dinner but wasn't too sure what to do with it. i ended up flattening it out, then making a spinach, cream cheese, and gorgonzola "paste" sort of thing to spread out on the chicken and then i folded the chicken in half, pinning it with a toothpick. baked it at 375 for about 20 minutes. it was delicious!! i definitely want to make it again.
  • lheyens
    lheyens Posts: 62
    Ohh thats so exciting to hear! Pretty much everything I make is made up on the spot, Baking included. My bread even. Anyways, I always tell people start experimenting, some thinggs will be good some bad. I do have a knack for figuring out food ive had some interesting meals but usually pretty decent!! Anything from sweet potato burgers to some banana bread, all made with whole, clean ingredients, and no refined sugars!!
    keep it up!
  • erg2013
    erg2013 Posts: 84 Member
    I also make up recipes depending on what I have on hand.

    I love, love, love canned fire roasted tomatoes. To that, I add taco seasoning mix, corn, rice, chicken/beef and onions. If I am close to my calorie goal I leave out the rice.

    Or: fire roasted tomatoes, 1/2 enchilada sauce, 1/4 cheddar cheese and shredded chicken.
  • pocketmole
    pocketmole Posts: 614 Member
    Almost everything I make is whipped up on the fly :)

    I think some of the easier, yet tasty and low cal, things to make is soup. Throw whatever you have leftover in the fridge into a pot with some stock and you usually end up with a pretty nice meal, great way to use up greens that are starting to get too wilty for salads too.
  • treenuh_x
    treenuh_x Posts: 94 Member
    I once made some pizza stuffed peppers on a whim, and they were amazing!

    You take a bell pepper, cut the top off, and core it.
    Cook up some ground turkey or ground beef and add italian seasoning, salt, pepper, and marinara sauce.
    Put some into the pepper, layer with mozzarella cheese, layer again with the beef or turkey, and then again with cheese.
    Bake in the oven at 325 until the cheese is melted and the pepper is softened.

    They're soooo good.
  • missyjane824
    missyjane824 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I also like to make up dishes with random items. I like making soup also. What kind of soup all depends on the meat and veggies I have on hand.

    this morning I'm thinking of making a breakfast sandwich with turkey sausage, egg, spinach and cheese on a sandwich thin.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I think every recipe was made up by someone.